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모유줄까? Naked Breastfeeding Yoga Mom Says That Photo Was Not Staged

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모유줄까? Naked Breastfeeding Yoga Mom Says That Photo Was Not Staged

까까마까 2013. 8. 23. 18:41







요가엄마의 모유줄까?

금방나온 따끈짜끈한 뉴스입니다.

얼마나 깜직하고 잼있는지..

조작되거나 뽀샵한 것이 아닌 진짜 입니다

라고 요가엄마가 실토하네요.2년 전의 사진인데

그 딸이 조금커서 지금은 같이 요가를 한답니다.





Naked Breastfeeding Yoga Mom Says


That Photo Was Not Staged 




Two years ago,

the image of a mom breastfeeding while practicing yoga naked went viral.

Now, the subject of that photo, Amy,

 has chosen to address some commonly asked questions she's heard since.


In an exclusive interview with BabyCenter,

Amy declared once and for all that the photo was not staged,

like many thought it was. "The truth is we were living on a small community

in Hawaii where our land was clothing optional and

yoga was/is a necessity! I was just doin’ my daily flow

when the little sweet pea came to sneak a suckle,"

she wrote in an email.





yoga breastfeeding mom





Amy went on to tell BabyCenter more about her and her family.

She says she chose the "simple life" in her early 20s

and has been traveling with minimal commitments ever since.

She still lives in Hawaii with daughter, Naia, and her partner,

but the family will soon move to New Zealand for six months.

Over on her own blog, Daughter of the Sun,

Amy writes that yoga has been a very important part of her lifestyle

and her daughter now loves practicing yoga, too.