문화와 예술/문화와 예술


까까마까 2013. 10. 7. 14:26





영어로 되있는 부분을 읽기 귀찮으신 분을 위해 간단히 설명하면

미래의 쇼핑패턴을 미리 보여주며 현재도 진행중인 시험무대를 선보이고자 올립니다.



세상이 이렇게 급변하고 있습니다.

미래의 마켓팅을 한국을 선정해서

2011년 여름에  테스코(영국 소매상인)는 서울의 지하철 역에서

시범적으로 이 계획을 선 보였는데 대단한 반응이 나타났습니다.

실험한 결과 110%의 효과를낸 기획물을 소개합니다.

영국에서 운영하고있는 홈플러스 스마트 가상스토어가

현제 이대,신촌등지에 선을 보이고 있답니다.

지금 들리는 소리는 화면에 걸린 가상점포에 춤추듯 아이콘을 선정해서

원하는 것을 고르는 행위이며 두번쩨 동영상은 더 자세한 설명을 보여줍니다.

두 동영상 모두 아주 짧을 2분짜리 입니다. .





The Future Is Now 






The Future of Shopping





 여러가지 옷을 아이콘을 눌러 골라 입는 화면









By: Jack Uldrich and Simon J. Anderson


In the summer of 2011, Tesco, a British retailer,

implemented an interesting pilot project in Seoul, South Korea.

  Because the price of land in the South Korean capital was so expensive,

Tesco created an experimental virtual store on the walls of a subway station.

The retailer posted a visual display depicting items on a grocery shelf

and allowed passengers, using their smartphones,

to select products for purchase as they waited at the subway stop.

By day’s end, the items were delivered to their homes.

The experiment resulted in 10,000 shoppers taking advantage of the convenient

opportunity and Tesco increasing online revenues in South Korea by 110 percent.

This project offers a sneak peek into tomorrow’s customizable retail shopping experience.




This Is The Future of Shopping


   Get Ready!





 이렇게 앉아서 쇼핑하는 시대가 왔습니다.





    What’s Next



    Smith is beginning to partner with some of the country’s biggest retailers

    and believes FaceCake’s try-on technology is that revolutionary.

    She believes there can be multiple applications for

    Swivel ranging from traditional stores, malls, online boutiques and even home closets.


    For example, similar to popular music apps nowadays,

    Swivel will eventually allow you to upload your own wardrobe to the platform

    so you can mix and match your favorite blue jeans with a new sweater

    you’re considering for purchase. Ultimately, says Smith,

    it’s about making shopping fun again.











    I see [the] FaceCake/Swivel shopping platform as being ubiquitous.

    Get the items you want, receive personalized advice.

    I think of it dream closet you always thought about

    and the best shopping experience you could ever imagine.”















    2번 동영상

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