극사실주의 조각가 론 뮤엑-The Hyperrealistic Sculptures
2013. 10. 16. 14:31
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Ron Mueck는 런던에 기반을 두고
활동하는 극사실주의 조각가인데
여러 재료 즉 래신이나 파이버글래스 같은 재료를 가지고
인간을 소재로 많은 조각작품을
극사실주의에 관해 아래 그림들을 보시면서
이해를 돕기위해 설명을 조금 덧 붙이자면 이는
1960년대 후반 미국에서 일어난 새로운 경향의
회화와 조각을 일컫는 말 입니다.
주로 일상적인 현실을 극히 생생하고 완벽하게 묘 사하는 것을 특징으로 합니다.
어디까지나 주관적인 입장을 배재한 미국적인 사실주의를 취한,
사진과 같은 극명한 화면구성을 하고
아무런 코맨트도 없이 현상 그대로 다룰뿐 입니다.
보시면 누가 관람인이고 누가 작품인지 구별이 쉽지 않습니다.
단지 크기 차이로 알아낼 뿐..
PHOTOREALISM 보다는 한 단계 앞선 장르 입니다 .
(카매라를 이용한 포토그래픽에 의한 패인팅이 사진으로 나타나는 페인팅의 한 장르)
2.000년도 초에 미국과 유럽에 불었던 ART MOVEMENT입니다.
아주 유닉하고 아름다운 작품을 즐감하세요.
밑에서 들리는 음악 소리는
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다 보신 후 재생해서 보시기를 바랍니다.
(씨밀래 주 )
극사실주의 조각가 론 뮤엑
The Hyperrealistic Sculptures
of Ron Mueck
The Hyperrealistic Sculptures
of Ron Mueck
London-based sculptor Ron Mueck, formerly a model maker and
puppeteer for children's television and films, has been creating
fine art sculptures since 1996. Using resin, fiberglass,
silicone, and many other materials, Mueck constructs
hyperrealistic likenesses of human beings, while playing with
scale. The detailed sculptures are captivating when viewed up
close, as they may be many times larger or smaller than
expected. [23
photos ]
A sculpture entitled "Mask II" by sculptor Ron Mueck, at
the San Ildefonso Museum in Mexico City,
on September
20, 2011. (Reuters/Henry Romero)
A visitor looks at a sculpture titled "Two Women" by
artist Ron Mueck at the Brooklyn Museum,
on January 31,
2007. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)
"Man in a boat", by Ron Mueck exhibited at the Fondation
Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris,
on April 15,
2013. (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images)
Visitors look at "Mask III" (2005) by Ron Mueck, during
an exhibition
at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary
Art in Paris,
on December 27, 2005. (Thomas
Coex/AFP/Getty Images)
A visitor takes a picture of "Woman with sticks" by
artist Ron Mueck,
at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art
on April 15, 2013 in Paris. (Thomas
Coex/AFP/Getty Images)
Closeup of "Woman with Sticks" at the Hauser & Wirth
gallery on April 16, 2012 in London, England.
Kitwood/Getty Images)
A visitor to the National Galleries of Scotland stands
beside Ron Mueck's
"Wild Man" on August 4, 2006. (Jeff J
Mitchell/Getty Images)
A group of schoolgirls look at "Wild man" at the
National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne,
on February
10, 2010. (Reuters/Mick Tsikas)
Women look at a sculpture entitled "In Bed" by Ron
at the San Ildefonso Museum in Mexico City,
October 4, 2011. (Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images)
Reporters stand next to "In Bed" during a preview of his
at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MARCO)
Monterrey, on March 17, 2011. (Reuters/Tomas Bravo)
A visitor admires Ron Mueck's "Mask", on display at the
Saatchi Gallery in London, on April 14, 2003.
(Reuters/Peter Macdiarmid)
An exhibition piece entitled "Youth" at the opening of
the new Ron Mueck exhibition
at the National Gallery of
on January 21, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia.
(Raoul Wegat/Getty Images)
A closer view of "Youth" by Ron Mueck, at the National
Gallery of Victoria on January 21, 2010
in Melbourne,
Australia. (Raoul Wegat/Getty Images)
A sculpture entitled "Standing Woman" by Ron Mueck is
displayed at the Towada Art Center
in Towada, Aomori
Prefecture, japan, on July 11, 2008. (Kazuhiro
Nogi/AFP/Getty Images)
A man looks at a sculpture titled "A Girl" by Ron Mueck
at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne,
February 10, 2010. (Reuters/Mick Tsikas)
"Woman with shopping", a sculpture by Ron Mueck
exhibited at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art
in Paris, on April 15, 2013. (Thomas
Coex/AFP/Getty Images)
A visitor looks at "Woman With Shopping, 2013" in Paris,
on April 16, 2013. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
Visitors view a sculpture entitled "Spooning Couple" by
sculptor Ron Mueck at the San Ildefonso Museum
in Mexico
City, on September 20, 2011. (Reuters/Henry Romero)
A visitor photographs a sculpture entitled "Young
Couple, 2013"
by Ron Mueck during the press day for his
exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art
contemporain in Paris,
on April 15, 2013.
(Reuters/Charles Platiau)
A close view of "MaskII", a sculpture by Ron Mueck at
the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris,
on April 15, 2013. (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images)
Visitors take picture of "Drift" by artist Ron Mueck at
the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain,
on April
15, 2013 in Paris. (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images)