캐내디를 회고함-JFK in Photos
지난 달이 미국 35대 대통령이었던 J.F. 케네디 전 대통령이 서거한 지 50년이 됩니다.
비록 1.000일을 약간 웃도는 정도의 날을 직무수행을 했지만
그의 짧은 재임 기간에 세계무대에 미친 영향은 대단했습니다.
그 시대의 중요한 사진들과 그의 어린 시절부터 댈러스의 최후까지를
정말 볼만한 사진으로 엮어 올립니다.
지금 들리는 그의 유명한 베를린 연설(-"LET THEM COME TO BERLIN"-)을
제일 밑에 올렸으니 여기 모아논 영상을 다 보신 후 재생해서 보세요.
그리고 여기 그의 몇몇 명언들로 서문을 대신합니다.
그의 명언집
국가가 당신을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있는가를 묻지 말고, 당신이 국가을 위해
무엇을 할 수 있는가를 물어봐라. - J.F. 케네디
맑은날 지붕을 고쳐 놓아야 비가 와도 걱정이 없다. - J.F. 케네디
그대들의 일생의 일로서 무엇을 하든 개의치 않았다. 그러나 무슨 일을 하든 제일인자가 되라.
설혹 하수도 인부가 되는 한이 있어도 세계 제일의 하수도 인부가 되라. - J.F. 케네디
JFK in Photos
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Fifty years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy,
The Atlantic has resurfaced some of its best journalism
about the 35th president and his legacy in a new collection: JFK In His Time and Ours.
Although Kennedy was in office for barely more than a thousand days,
his presidency and his presence on the world stage had a huge historical impact.
Much of that was captured in photographs of the time,
following the handsome son of a wealthy businessman
from childhood to the most powerful office in the world,
until it all ended in tragedy in Dallas.
In this January 5, 1938 file photo,
Joseph P. Kennedy, left, U.S. Ambassador to Great
Britain, stands with his 20 year old son, John F.
Kennedy, in New York. Kennedy was the second son, and
one of nine children, of business tycoon Joseph P.
Kennedy. When first son Joseph Jr. was killed during
World War II, John became the designated heir.
Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1952, here,
Senator John F. Kennedy, accompanied by Dick Mayer, 15,
and Melissa Tyler, 14, of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
inspects tornado damage in Shrewsbury, on June 10, 1953.
At least 86 were left dead in the area by the tornado,
800 injured and 2,500 made homeless.
Senator John F. Kennedy, (lower right),
grins happily as backers cheer the Democratic
presidential candidate in Minneapolis, on October 1st.
Kennedy was leaving his hotel for a rally and was
surrounded by a large crowd of partisans on October 2,
1960. They waved banner threw confetti and yelled
heartily. Between 18,000 and 20,000 attended the rally
and thousands more were turned away.
Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy has a chuck under
the chin for her husband moments after he became
president, on January 20, 1961. This exclusive picture
by AP photographer Henry Burroughs was taken in the
rotunda of the Capitol just after President John F.
Kennedy left the inaugural stand.
President Kennedy and Mrs. Jacqueline
Kennedy follow the takeoff and space flight of Astronaut
Alan Shepard on television. Others, watching from the
White House office of the Chief Executive's secretary in
Washington, on May 5, 1961, are, from left: Attorney
General Robert Kennedy; McGeorge Bundy, presidential
assistant; Vice President Lyndon Johnson; Arthur
Schlesinger Jr., another presidential assistant, and
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Arleigh Burke.
President Kennedy smiles as he delivers a
joking remark to the 6,000 attending the $100-a-plate
Democratic dinner on May 27, 1961 in Washington?s
National Guard Armory, to help him celebrate his 44th
birthday. The cake in foreground weights 1.5 tons and is
topped by a replica of the White House.
President Kennedy speaks to reporters at
a nationally televised news conference in the State
Department auditorium, on March 23, 1961. The Chief
Executive at the opening of the conference discussed the
Laos situation and used three different maps, picturing
how pro-communist rebels have gained ground in the last
seven months in Laos. The map at left was used by
Kennedy to Show communist rebel areas as of March 22
which, he said, are indicated by the dark and shaded
Three-year-old Caroline Kennedy pushes
past her father as he leaves the elevator at the White
House ground floor, on March 16, 1961, to begin a
typical busy day at 9:42 A.M. President Kennedy has a
strip of tape across a cut above his left eye, suffered
when his head struck a table as he was bending over to
pick up something for Caroline.
President John Kennedy, right, and his
wife, Jacqueline, wearing bathing suit, stand on a pier
after spending the afternoon boating on Nantucket Sound
at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, on August 5, 1961. The
President and U.N. Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson
conferred aboard his yacht during the cruise.
A cheering crowd, estimated by police at
more than a quarter of a million, fills the area beneath
the podium at West Berlin's City Hall, where U.S.
President John F. Kennedy stood. His address to the City
Hall crowd was one of the highlights of his June 26,
1963 visit to West Berlin, where he received one of the
greatest receptions of his career.
This photo provided by John McInnis
Auctioneers in Amesbury, Massachusetts, shows late
President John F. Kennedy, right, with his wife,
Jacqueline, center, and sister-in-law Ethyl Kennedy at
left. The photograph is among items that were auctioned
on February 17, 2013.
Seconds after shots rang out, the
limousine carrying the mortally wounded President John
F. Kennedy races toward the hospital in Dallas, Texas,
on November 22, 1963. Secret Service agent Clinton Hill
is riding on the back of the car, Nellie Connally, wife
of Texas Gov. John Connally, bends over her wounded
husband, and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy leans over
the president.
The First Family watches John F.
Kennedy's funeral procession in Washington on November
25, 1963, three days after the president was
assassinated in Dallas. Widow Jacqueline Kennedy,
center, daughter Caroline Kennedy, left, and son John
Jr., are accompanied by the late president's brothers
Sen. Edward Kennedy, left, and Attorney General Robert
An Irish cadet honor guard, with arms
outstretched, stand in formation as the U.S. flag is
lifted from the coffin of President John F. Kennedy
during his funeral services at Arlington National
Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, on November 25, 1963.
The cadets, 18- and 19-year-old soldiers, had been
whisked from their remote barracks in County Kildare the
day before and were flown to the U.S. to perform a
special ceremonial drill at the funeral of the slain
president. He had been captivated by the drill when he
saw it performed in Dublin months earlier.