Cassini우주선에서 보낸 처음보는 토성의 기막힌 영상물들
과거엔 상상도 못할 이 기가막힌 영상을 너무 흥분이되여
안 올릴 수가 없어서 공유하고자 올립니다.
1997 년에 시작된 NASA의 카시니 우주선이 토성을 7년 동안 돌면서
수천의 지구와 다른 행성의 이미지를 과학적인 관찰을 하고서 보내왔습니다.
토성은 150개 이상의 위성이 있는데 이 글에서 말하는
TITAN은 토성의 가장 큰 위성을 말합니다.
두번째로 큰 Enceladus도 지나가는 것이 여기 보입니다.
여기서는 RHEA가 두번째로 큰 위성으로 나오네요.
토성은 태양계의 여섯 번째 행성이며, 두 번째로 큽니다.
로마 신화에서의 Saturn은 농업의 신을 부르는 말입니다.
그리스 신화의 Cronus와 같습니다. 이는 그리스 신화에서 Uranus와
Gaia의 아들로서, Zeus 즉 목성으로 분류되는 Jupiter의 아버지입니다.
Saturn이라는 이름은 영어에서 "Saturday"라는 말의
어원이기도 합니다.그 외의 것은 밑의 영어로 된 글들을
참조하시기를 바랍니다.
밑에 아주 아름다운 새들의 비상영상을 새들과 같이
날으며 찍은 기막힌 동영상을 올렸으니
다 보신 후 재생해서 보시길 권합니다.(씨밀래)
토성과 지구에 관한 새로운 시각을 보여주고 있는
카시니(Cassini) 우주선
Images of Saturn From the Cassini Mission
Launched in 1997, NASA's Cassini spacecraft spent seven years traveling to Saturn before spending the past nine-and-a-half years orbiting the massive planet, making scientific observations and returning thousands of gorgeous otherworldly images. Saturn has more than 150 known moons and the most spectacular ring system of any of our neighboring planets. Its varied satellites include massive Titan, with a thick atmosphere and lakes of liquid ethane; icy Enceladus, spewing jets of water ice far into space; and two-toned Iapetus, with a mysterious equatorial ridge of mountains. Today, on the last day of the year, I thought it would be nice to look back on some of my favorite images from Cassini over the years, as we approach a decade of orbits next summer. [36 photos]
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The spinning vortex of Saturn's north polar storm resembles a deep red rose of giant proportions surrounded by green foliage in this false-color image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Measurements have sized the eye at a staggering 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) across with cloud speeds as fast as 330 miles per hour (150 meters per second). The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 261,000 miles (419,000 kilometers) from Saturn. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)
Vertical structures, among the tallest seen in Saturn's main rings, rise abruptly from the edge of Saturn's B ring to cast long shadows on the ring in this image taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft two weeks before the planet's August 2009 equinox. In this image, Cassini's narrow angle camera captured a 1,200-kilometer-long (750-mile-long) section arcing along the outer edge of the B ring. Here, vertical structures tower as high as 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) above the plane of the rings -- a significant deviation from the vertical thickness of the main A, B and C rings, which is generally only about 10 meters (about 30 feet). Cassini scientists believe that this is one prominent region at the outer edge of the B ring where large bodies, or moonlets, up to a kilometer or more in size, are found. It is possible that these bodies significantly affect the ring material streaming past them and force the particles upward, in a "splashing" manner.
This spectacular and disorienting maze of lines is a Cassini portrait of the gas giant Saturn, its rings and its small, icy moon Mimas. The rings cast dark shadows across Saturn's northern hemisphere, creating a photonegative effect: dark sections are dense and block the Sun, while bright sections are less dense areas or gaps in the rings, which are more transparent to sunlight.
Less than 20 minutes after Cassini's close approach to Titan on March 31, 2005, its cameras captured this view of Saturn through Titan's upper atmosphere. The northern part of Saturn's disk can be seen at the upper left; dark horizontal lines are shadows cast upon Saturn by its rings. Below this level, Titan's atmosphere is thick enough to obscure Saturn. The image was captured at a distance of 7,980 kilometers (4,960 miles) from Titan, when Saturn was about 1.3 million kilometers (808,000 miles) away.
This image shows the first flash of sunlight reflected off a lake on Saturn's moon Titan. The glint off a mirror-like surface is known as a specular reflection. This kind of glint was detected by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) on NASA's Cassini spacecraft on July 8, 2009. It confirmed the presence of liquid in the moon's northern hemisphere, where lakes are more numerous and larger than those in the southern hemisphere. The lakes are believed to be filled with liquid ethane and methane.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft successfully completed its October 1, 2011 flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its jets of water vapor and ice. At its closest approach, the spacecraft flew approximately 62 miles (100 kilometers) above the moon's surface. The close approach was designed to give some of Cassini's instruments, including the ion and neutral mass spectrometer, the chance to "taste" the jets themselves.
A quartet of Saturn's moons, from tiny to huge, surround and are embedded within the planet's rings in this Cassini composition. Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is in the background of the image. Next, the wispy terrain on the trailing hemisphere of Dione can be seen on that moon which appears just above the rings at the center of the image. Saturn's small moon Pandora orbits beyond the rings on the right of the image. Finally, Pan can be seen in the Encke Gap of the A ring on the left of the image.
Detail of a disturbance in Saturn's F ring, including evidence for the perturbing effect of small moonlets orbiting in or close to the ring's bright core. For some time, scientists have suspected the presence of tiny moonlets that orbit Saturn in association with the clumpy ring. As the small satellites move close to the F ring core they leave a gravitational signature. In some cases they can draw out material in the form of a "streamer".