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유혹 만점의 와이오밍주 사진 50점

까까마까 2014. 4. 29. 13:56






와이오밍 주

(State of Wyoming)

와이오밍은 인디언 말로 "대평원" 이라는 뜻 입니다.

와이오밍 (State of Wyoming)는


콜로라도와 마찬가지로 직선으로만 된 직4각형인 주입니다.


남북 450km, 동서 길이 580km 면적이 25만평방km 남북한 면적보다 조금 넓고,

인구는 2011년통계로 49만여명으로 미국에서 인구가 가장 적습니다.

그래서 연방 하원의원이 한사람 입니다.

한반도 보다 조금 면적에 제주도 인구보다도 적은 사람이 살고있는셈 입니다.


한국에서 50만명만 이민오게 해서 산다면, 주지사도 한인이 하고....

 미국속에 또 하나의 한국이 생기는건데..



1872년옐로스톤이 첫 국립공원으로 지정되었습니다.



워낙 유명한 곳이라 미국에 방문한다면 누구나 한 번쯤 가보고 싶다는 생각을 하지만,

미국의 국립 공원이라는 곳이 대부분 다 그렇듯이 여기도 배낭 여행은 못 합니다.

공원 주변에 대도시나 공원까지 가는 대중교통이 없고, 공원 안의 교통 수단도


전무하기 때문에 자가 운전이 필수 입니다.

공원 안에 포장 도로를 잘 닦았으니 운전만 가능하다면 편히 여행할 수 있습니다.

아이오밍 주와 몬태나 주, 그리고 아이다호 주가 만나는 지점에 위치한 미국 최대, 최고의 국립공원.

이름의 까닭은 황 성분 때문에 돌이 노래서 입니다.

산, 평원, 간헐온천 등이 즐비하고 온갖 야생동물의 천국이라


관광지로 인기높으며 세계유산에 등록했습니다.


공원이 워낙 크니 그냥 훑어보는 식으로 주요 볼거리만 다 찍는다고 해도


3일은 잡아야 제대로 구경할 수 있습니다.

물론 여유가 있다면 이레 남짓 머물면서 자유롭게 여행해도 좋습니다.

참고로 입장권은 차량 당 하나씩 사도록 하며 유효 기간이 이레 입니다.

공원의 서남쪽이며 명물 온천과 간헐천들이 가장 많이 모여서,


5개의 컨트리 중 관광객들이 가장 많습니다.

그냥 차를 몰고 지나가기만 해도 여기저기서 김이 나는 진풍경이며


여기 있는 온천과 간헐천을 모두 다 둘러보려면 하루가 꼬박 걸립니다.








30 Photos Of Maine

That Will Make You Want To Move There


Wow! Get ready to fall madly in love with

The Pine Tree State.



1. In Maine, every sunrise is a special occasion

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Dana Moos

Southwest Harbor, Maine Sunrise

2. And all of its residents position themselves for a good look at it

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region

A group of puffins at Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge


3. You can’t help but marvel at Maine


Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Adam Matthew Van Kampen

Bass Harbor Head Light House on Mount Desert Island, Maine


4. Because the easternmost state in the U.S.A.

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user lee



5. Just happens to be its most beautiful

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user cloud2013

Sunset in Lubec, Maine


6. No matter where you are in Maine

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user

Sunrise in Kennebunkport, Maine



7. The view is stunning

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user jerm1386



8. And the color variations are impressive

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user greg westfall

Sunrise in Kennebunkport, Maine


9. Even from where the weeds are standing

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Rich Bard

Pickerel Weed Sunrise



10. The sky in Maine really knows how to show off

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Kim Carpenter

Sunrise-Machias, Maine


       11. From the waterfront in the summer

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Kim Carpenter

Eastport, Maine


12. To the forests in the fall

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Dana Moos

Autumn Foliage in Acadia National Park


       13. To the green grass in the summer

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Jean-François Renaud

Goose Rocks


       14. To the frozen trees in winter

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Jody Roberts

Ice Storm at St Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Waterville, Maine


       15. There’s no time of year when Maine doesn’t look incredible

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Jody Roberts

Frozen Messalonskee in Waterville, Maine



16. From snowcapped top

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Chewonki Semester School




17. To rocky bottom

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user auntjojo

Rocks along the shore



       18. While you’re out gazing out at the ocean

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user EAWB

The view down at the granite shore at Pemaquid, taken at sundown



       19. Looking inward at the shore

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Marufish



       20. Walking the streets

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Jody Roberts

College Avenue in Waterville, Maine



       21. Hanging out along the tracks

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Jody Roberts

Front Street at Night in Waterville, Maine



22. Or admiring the mountain mist

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Noah Meyerhans



       23. Don’t be surprised to find you’re being watched

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Hildegarde Anderson



24. Because Maine is teeming with life

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region

Moose in mist



25. From the trees

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Dana Moos

Bald eagles



       26. To the seas

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Ryan Poplin

Seagull on Rock



27. And they’ll join with you in any season

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Paul VanDerWerf

Winter in Maine



       28. To agree Maine is the most most beautiful

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Cadillac Mountain Views

Cadillac Mountain Views



29. If you try to argue against this simple fact

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Peter Rintels

Sunset in Deer Isle, Maine



       30. You’ll lose

Photos of Maine

Source: Flickr user Corey Balazowich

Sunset at Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse in Rockland, Maine

Feature Image Source: Flickr user Juhan Sonin




31 Photos Of Wyoming

That Will Make You Want To Move There

Check out these drop dead gorgeous images

that prove once and for all that the Equality State has no equal.

1. In Wyoming, the sunrise is always a spectacle…

Photos of
Source: Flickr user greg westfall.
Wyoming sunrise

2. Especially when viewed through the water

Photos of
Source: Daniel D’Auria
Reflections of Sunrise

3. The geysers here always Giant

Photos of
Source: Flickr user daveynin
Giant Geyser in Yellowstone National Park

4. Except when they’re Grand instead

Photos of
Source: Flickr user James St. John
Grand Geyser in Yellowstone National Park

5. Or of course, ever Faithful

Photos of
Source: Flickr user InSapphoWeTrust
Old Faithful Basin in Yellowstone National Park

6. And if you find yourself questioning the existence of the divine

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Sam Beebe
Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park

7. one look at the Grand Prismatic Spring will set your mind at ease.

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Frank Kovalchek
Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park

8. It’s best to stay off the road when the storm rolls in

Photos of
Source: Flickr user greg westfall
A storm gathers north of Riverton, Wyoming

9. Because when it does, the horses get spooked

Photos of
Source: Flickr user
A house on a ranch outside of Dubois, Wyoming

10. And it’s best to stand out of their way

Photos of
Source: Flickr user fortherock
Grand Tetons Horse

11. You’ll want to keep a close eye for these guys, too

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Shawn McCready
Bison at Elk Island Park

12. Considering they aren’t even too fond of each other sometimes

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire
Bison Squaring Off

13. And if they see you coming

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Ken Lund
Traffic yields to Bison near Roaring Mountain

14. They may just shut down the entire road

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Greg Willis
Morning Traffic in the Lamar Valley

15. Even the wolves

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Jeremy Weber
Yellowstone Wolf in the woods

16. And the moose

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire
Moose in Gros Ventre Campground

17. Want no part of this

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Frank Kovalchek
A herd of Bison near Gibbon Falls

18. Your best bet is to head for higher ground

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Greg Younger
A yellow-bellied marmot relaxes near Medicine Bow Peak, Wyoming

19. And view them all from a distance

Photos of
Source: Flickr user
Bison and the Tetons

20. While you’re up there, you can see the devil’s favorite tower

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Colin Faulkingham
Devils Tower National Monument

21. And the majestic mist of the hot springs

Photos of
Source: Flickr user
Multi color mineral and bacterial deposits at edge of hot spring yellowstone wyoming

22. That somehow stay hot even when frozen

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Tony Hisgett
Mammoth Hot Springs

23. Keep an eye out for the crackling colors of Fire Lake

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Loren Kerns

24. And if you’re one of those people that’s difficult to impress

Photos of
Source: Flickr user mark byzewski
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

25. The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone is sure to do the trick

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Greg Willis
Thermal Feature in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

26. The limestone is otherworldly

Photos of
Source: Flickr user scott1346
Palette Springs

27. And the setting sun paints the sky in ways you never dreamed possible

Photos of
Source: Flickr user kathryn1704
Sunset over the Tetons

28. In Wyoming, even something as destructive as a forest fire creates a majestic beauty

Photos of
Source: Carolyn
Sunset over a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park

29. Because Wyoming needs to be seen to be believed

Photos of
Source: Nomadic Lass
Pigmented bacteria in the Grand Prismatic Spring

30. Now, hurry home to your secret place in the woods

Photos of
Source: Flickr user Show Us Your Togwotee
Miner’s Cabin in the South Pass area.

31. So that Wyoming can sing you to sleep

Photos of

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