씨밀래의 다솜방

World's most over-the-top garage cost $6 million, has a hydraulic elevator


World's most over-the-top garage cost $6 million, has a hydraulic elevator

까까마까 2012. 9. 26. 21:36







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NEVADA의 어느 ㅇㄱ이의 취미를 같이 즐겨 보자구 올립니다.보시구 각자 판단하시구..













There's nothing at all wrong with spending a large sum of money on a nice garage.

After all, you need a good, safe place to keep your two- and four-wheeled belongings, right?













Keep scrolling below
and you'll find a video from HGTV's Million Dollar Rooms program, hosted by Carter Oosterhouse,

in which a $6 million garage is featured in all its glory.

The first portion of the garage is pretty nice,housing a large collection of (sigh... mostly unridden) motorcycles,

but that's not what makes this garagemahal stand out from the crowd.

That would be the massive hydraulic elevator used to access the garage's lower portion.

We'll let you all decide whether or not this garage is worth its cost

– the elevator sucks down $25 in electricity each time it's operated! – or whether or not it's filled with a properly exotic batch of vehicles.

All you gotta do is watch the video below,













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