닐 암스트롱은 1969년 7월 20일 오후 10시 56분20초, 당시 전 세계 인구의 1/5인 6억명이 TV를 지켜보는 가운데
인류 역사상 처음으로 '고요의 바다' 달 표면에 착륙하여 산책을 한 인물이다.
그 때 암스트롱의 나이 38세.
미국의 신문들은 암스트롱을 '단순히 달을 처음 밟은 사람으로서 기억되어서는 안될 것이라'고도 했다.
그는 지구에서 239,000마일 거리에 있는 달 여행을 나흘동안 마쳤다.
그리고 말했다. '이것은 한 인간에게 작은 첫 걸음이지만 인류 전체에 있어서는 위대한 도약이다.
That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.'
암스트롱은 동료 에드윈 올드린 Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin,약15분과 함께
2시간 32분 동안 달 표면을 걸어다니면서 자료 수집과 실험을 했다.
달에서 귀환한 그 해 11월 암스트롱은 동료와 함께 한국을 방문했으며,
1971년에는 평화봉사단 자문위원으로 다시 한국을 방문하기도 했다.
암스트롱은 해군 전투기 조종사로 6.25한국전쟁에 참전하여 78차례의 전투비행 임무로,
당시 서울 수복에 큰 공을 세웠으며, 1952년 8월에 해군에서 제대했다고 한다.
Copied from USA TODAY
암스트롱은 1930년 5월5일, 미국 오하오 주 와파코네타Wapakoneta에서 스코틀랜드와 독일의 후예로 태어나, 퍼듀대학Purdue University, 남캘리포니아대학 Southern Clifornia University을 졸업, 15세에 조종 훈련을 받고, 16세되는 생일 날에 pilot's licence를 땄다. 자동차 운전면허 보다 먼저 딴 것이다. 1949년 미 해군에 입대, 1951년 한국전쟁에 참전, 함경도 김책시金策市, 城津, 원산 상공 등 한국 전쟁 당시 제트기 조종사로 121시간의 비행 기록을 남기기도 했다.
Copied from Univers Today
Neil Armstrong at the Lunar Landing Research Facilit
Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012
This weekend, the world lost a true pioneer and reluctant hero,
Neil A. Armstrong, the first man
to set foot on the Moon. At the age of 82,
Armstrong passed away due to
complications resulting from a heart procedure.
He earned his flight certificate
at age 15, before he could even drive,
and went on to study aerospace
engineering. By age 20, he was a U.S. Navy Aviator,
flying missions during the
Korean War, and shortly afterward,
he became an experimental research test
Selected for the U.S. astronaut program,
he first orbited the Earth in
1965, commanding NASA's Gemini 8 mission.
Armstrong was later chosen to not only
command the Apollo 11 mission to the moon,
but to be the first person out the
hatch, placing the first human footprints on lunar soil.
It was his last mission
to space -- on returning to Earth,
after months of goodwill tours and
Armstrong returned to a private life in his home state of Ohio.
is a farewell to Neil Armstrong, who spent 82 years on this planet,
and a few
precious, historic moments on another world.
On March 11, 1966, astronaut Neil Armstrong,
command pilot of the Gemini 8 prime crew, poses during a photo session outside
the Kennedy Space Center Mission Control Center in Florida. Armstrong passed
away on Saturday, August 25, 2012, at the age of 82. (NASA)
On March 11, 1966, astronaut Neil Armstrong,
command pilot of the Gemini 8 prime crew, poses during a photo session outside
the Kennedy Space Center Mission Control Center in Florida. Armstrong passed
away on Saturday, August 25, 2012, at the age of 82. (NASA)
Members of pilot consultant group for the U.S. Air Force's
Dyna Space glider project try out a cockpit simulator at the Boeing Aerospace
division in Seattle, on March 15, 1962. Seated in simulator is Major James W.
Wood, and with him is NASA's Pilot Neil Armstrong. (AP Photo) #
From left, astronauts Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong, John
Young, and Deke Slayton, during astronaut desert survival training near Reno,
Nevada, in 1964. (NASA) #
Astronauts Neil Armstrong and David R. Scott arrive at Complex
19 for a simulated test in preparation for the flight of Gemini 8, on March 16,
1966. (AP Photo) #
Astronauts Neil Armstrong and David R. Scott sit with their
spacecraft hatches open while awaiting the arrival of the recovery ship, the USS
Leonard F. Mason after the successful completion of their Gemini 8 mission, on
March 16, 1966. They are assisted by USAF Pararescuemen Eldrige M. Neal, Larry
D. Huyett, and Glenn M. Moore. The overhead view shows the Gemini 8 spacecraft
with the yellow flotation collar attached to stabilize the spacecraft in choppy
seas. The green marker dye is highly visible from the air and is used as a
locating aid. (NASA) #
Astronauts David Scott and Neil Armstrong walk down a corridor
of Tripler General Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, for a night's rest before
continuing their journey from Okinawa to Cape Kennedy to report on the emergency
that brought an abrupt end to their space flight in Gemini 8, on March 18, 1966.
(AP Photo) #
Astronaut Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 mission commander, floats
safely to the ground after the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV) he was
piloting exploded only seconds before while he was rehearsing a lunar landing at
Ellington Air Force Base, on May 6, 1968. The photo is a blowup of 16mm
documentary motion picture recorded during the mishap. (NASA) #
A reproduction of a portion of the lunar surface, constructed
on the concrete pad where the Lunar Excursion Module Simulator (LEMS) was tested
at the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, on June 20, 1969. The
LEMS was a manned rocket-powered vehicle used to familiarize the Apollo
astronauts with the handling characteristics of a lunar-landing type vehicle.
(NASA) #
An American flag flies in the foreground as the massive Saturn
V rocket lifts off, carrying Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission. The
vehicle lifted off with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E.
Aldrin, Jr., at 9:32 a.m., July 16, 1969, from Kennedy Space Center's Launch
Complex 39A. (NASA) #
Apollo 11 Spacecraft interior with astronaut Neil Armstrong
looking at the camera, inside the Command and Service Module. Image taken during
translunar phase of the mission. (NASA) #
Mrs. Jan Armstrong registers pleasure over a picture of her
husband, Apollo 11 commander, Neil Armstrong, taken during a telecast from the
spacecraft on the way to the moon, and beamed back to earth, on July 18, 1969.
In the rear seat is their son, Mark, 6. (AP Photo) #
Touchdown -- Astronauts Neil Armstrong (left), and Edwin
"Buzz" Aldrin Jr., stand by the Lunar Module ladder in this black and white
reproduction taken from a telecast by the Apollo 11 lunar surface television
camera during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity, on July 20, 1969.
(NASA) #
An estimated 10,000 people gather to watch giant television
screens in New York's Central Park and cheer as astronaut Neil Armstrong takes
man's first step on the moon on July 20, 1969. (AP Photo) #
Neil Armstrong, photographer, appears reflected in the visor
of Buzz Aldrin, near the leg of the Lunar Module during the Apollo 11
extravehicular activity (EVA), on July 20, 1969. (NASA) #
The flag of the United States, deployed on the surface of the
moon, viewed from inside the Lunar Module, on July 20, 1969. The footprints of
astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin stand out very clearly. (NASA)
The face of a man who has just walked on the moon -- astronaut
Neil Armstrong, inside the Lunar Module, still on the lunar surface, shortly
after his historic moon walk, on July 20, 1969. Astronauts Armstrong and Edwin
E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, had just completed their extra-vehicular
activity (EVA) when this picture was made. (AP Photo/NASA) #
In 2012, NASA's orbiting Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
captured this image of the Apollo 11 landing site from just 24 km (15 miles)
above the surface. You can see the remnants of the astronauts' steps as dark
regions around the Lunar Module and in dark tracks that lead to the scientific
experiments the astronauts set up on the surface. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State
University) #
The Apollo 11 crew await pickup by a helicopter from the USS
Hornet, prime recovery ship for the historic lunar landing mission. The fourth
man in the life raft is a United States Navy underwater demolition team swimmer.
All four men are wearing biological isolation garments. The Apollo 11 Command
Module Columbia with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin
aboard splashed down at 11:49 a.m., July 24, 1969, about 812 nautical miles
southwest of Hawaii and only 12 nautical miles from the USS Hornet. (NASA)
President Richard Nixon meets with the Apollo 11 astronauts in
the isolation unit aboard the USS Hornet after splashdown and recovery, on July
24, 1969. The astronauts, left to right, are: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins
and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. (AP Photo) #
Astronaut Neil Armstrong blows a kiss to his sons, Eric, 12,
and Mark, 6, who were on hand to welcome home their famous dad when the
astronauts arrived at Ellington Air Force Base, in Houston, Texas, on July 27,
1969. (AP Photo) #
Neil Armstrong strums a ukelele inside the Mobile Quarantine
Facility, soon after the Apollo 11 crew arrived at Ellington Air Force Base, on
July 27, 1969. (NASA) #
Hands of spectators reach out to clasp those of Apollo 11
astronaut Neil Armstrong as he left the lunar receiving laboratory, Manned
Spacecraft Center, in Houston, Texas, on August 11, 1969 after the quarantine
period for the moon explorers ended. (AP Photo) #
New Yorkers line 42nd Street to cheer Apollo 11 astronauts, on
August 13, 1969. In the lead car from left are: Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins
and Neil Armstrong, who return the greeting with waves. (AP Photo/STF) #
Astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, waves to
the crowd during a ticker tape parade up lower Broadway in New York, on August
13, 1969. (AP Photo/ETA) #
The Apollo 11 astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Jr.,
and Michael Collins, wearing sombreros and ponchos, are swarmed by thousands in
Mexico City as their motorcade is slowed by the enthusiastic crowd, on September
23, 1969. The GIANTSTEP-APOLLO 11 Presidential Goodwill Tour emphasized the
willingness of the United States to share its space knowledge. The tour carried
the Apollo 11 astronauts and their wives to 24 countries and 27 cities in 45
days. (NASA) #
This picture taken on July 10, 1979 in Paris, France, shows
former astronaut Neil Armstrong, during the recording of a television show.
(Pierre Guillaud/AFP/Getty Images) #
Neil Armstrong receives a standing ovation as he prepares to
address an audience at the 25th Lester D. Gardner Lecture at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, on May 3, 1994, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Armstrong,
currently the chairman of an electronics firm, spoke on the engineering aspects
of a lunar landing. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) #
Former astronaut Neil Armstrong speaks near a statue of
himself at the dedication ceremony of the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering at
Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, on Saturday, October 27, 2007.
Armstrong passed away on August 25, 2012. Armstrong's family released a
statement on his death, saying in part: "For those who may ask what they can do
to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service,
accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night
and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a
wink." (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)