처음에 클릭하시면 익숙하지 않은 화면이 뜨면 왼쪽밑에 삼각형을 클릭하시고 보세요.
이것을 클릭하셔서 구경하시다 Freezing이 되여 신경질 나시면
밑에 다른 주소 올렸으니 클릭해서 보세요.
If you’re in the mood for something very bizarre, I urge you to click on and
be prepared to be amazed.
Danish e-commerce website Fleggaard has recently made a “not-safe-for-work”
commercial that depicts a group of topless skydivers who, during their descend,
come together in mid-air to spell out an advertisement for a washing machine.
신경질 나시면 이걸로..↓
trailer2.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)