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세계에서 재일 아름다운 섬 페로제도 여행-A Trip to the Faroe Islands진

까까마까 2012. 10. 24. 18:59




세계 111개의 유수 섬 중에 제일 아름다운 섬으로 뽑힌 페로제도는

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A Trip to the Faroe Islands



Oct 16, 2012 |


In the North Atlantic, halfway between Norway and Iceland, the Faroe Islands are home to more than 50,000 people. The rugged, treeless archipelago is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and has been inhabited by humans (and sheep) since the early 8th century. The local economy relies heavily on fishing and maritime industry. The unique landscape and location attracts photographers with its fantastic play of light between sun, cloud, meadow, cliff, and sea. Collected here are images of the Faroes from recent years.

[33 photos]




Tindh처lmur, a small island in S첩rv찼gsfj첩r챨ur, a fjord on the west side of V찼goy in the Faroe Islands. Each of the small peaks has its own name: Ytsti, Arni, L챠tli, Brei챨i, and Bogdi. Original here. (CC BY SA Arne List)


Tindh처lmur, a small island in S첩rv찼gsfj첩r챨ur, a fjord on the west side of V찼goy in the Faroe Islands. Each of the small peaks has its own name: Ytsti, Arni, L챠tli, Brei챨i, and Bogdi. Original here. (CC BY SA Arne List)




The Faroe Islands, as seen from orbit by NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites on April 17, 2003. The archipelago is about 80 km (50 mi) wide, and has a total area of approximately 1,400 sq km (540 sq mi). (NASA) #




Funningur, a town on the northwest coast of Eysturoy, Faroe Islands. Original here. (CC BY SA Arne List) #




Sheep stand in a field in the Faroe Islands. Original here. (CC BY Tobias Akerboom) #




A Faroe Islands village, photographed on April 19, 2011. Original here. (CC BY Tobias Akerboom) #




A fisherman tends equipment near Svartaberg. Original here. (CC BY SA Arne List) #




The harbor of T처rshavn, capital and largest town of the Faroe Islands, photographed from an arriving ferry, on June 23, 2008. Original here. (CC BY Stig Nygaard) #




A horse stands along the coast line of the village of Velbastaour on Streymoy, on October 13, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #




An aerial view of Tindh처lmur, off of Vagar Island in the Faroe Islands, on May 25, 2007. (AP Photo/John McConnico) #



Boats tied up at F찼mjin, on Su챨uroy, the southernmost island in Faroe Islands. Original here. (CC BY SA Arne List) #



A river flows near the road from the village of Velbastaour to Syoradalur on the Faroe Islands, on October 13, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #



The sun appears behind sheep at the Kirkjubour village on the Streymoy, on October 16, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #



Mykines, the westernmost island in the Faroe Islands, is shrouded in clouds as seen from the village of Gasadalur, on August 11, 2009. (Reuters/Bob Strong) #



Tourists climb Slave's Edge near Leitisvatn in the Faroe Islands, on May 23, 2007. (AP Photo/John McConnico) #



Visitors exit the caves on the island of Nolsoy in the Faroe Islands, on May 25, 2007. (AP Photo/John McConnico) #



A small herd of sheep on a Faroe Island hillside. Original here. (CC BY Tobias Akerboom) #



A sheep dog helps round up sheep near the village of Saksun on Streymoy, on October 8, 2007. (Reuters/Bob Strong) #



A woman knits a traditional Faroese wool sweater in T처rshavn, on June 01, 2007. (Reuters/Tony Gentile) #



Faroe Islands, June 23, 2008 near T처rshavn. Original here. (CC BY Stig Nygaard) #



Inhabitants of Faroe Islands drive pilot whales during their traditional 'Grindadrap' (whale hunt in Faroese) near the capital T처rshavn, on November 22, 2011. Residents of the Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of Denmark, slaughter and eat pilot whales every year. (Reuters/Andrija Ilic) #



Faroe Islanders catch and slaughter pilot whales during the traditional 'Grindadrap' near T처rshavn, on November 22, 2011. Descendents of Vikings, and pilot whales have been a central part of their diet for more than 1,000 years. 'Grindadrap' whaling is not done for commercial purposes, the meat can not be sold and is divided evenly between members of the local community. (Reuters/Andrija Ilic) #



Klaksv챠k, the second largest town in the Faroe Islands, on March 30, 2010. Original here. (CC BY SA Erik Christensen) #



View from the ferry, shortly after leaving T처rshavn. Original here. (CC BY Stig Nygaard) #



Cages, used by a fish farm, float on the sea next to the village of Fuglafj첩r챨ur, on May 31, 2007. (Reuters/Tony Gentile) #



Football is the most popular sport in the Faroe Islands. Original here. (CC BY Tobias Akerboom) #



Tjornuvik village, located on Streymoy, photographed on October 14, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #



A workman mows the grass roof of a government building near the capital city of T처rshavn, on August 13, 2009. (Reuters/Bob Strong) #



Mountainside farms in the Faroes. Original here. (CC BY Tobias Akerboom) #



Sundini, the strait between Streymoy and Eysturoy, seen on October 14, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #



A fishing boat returns to the harbor north of the capital T처rshavn, on August 10, 2009. (Reuters/Bob Strong) #



Tj첩rnuv챠k village, on Streymoy, pictured on October 14, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #



A cliffside view near G찼sadalur, Faroe Islands. Original here. (CC BY Stig Nygaard) #



The Island of Koltur, at sunset, seen from Streymoy, near the village of Nororadalur, on October 13, 2012. (Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) #






화산활동으로 생긴 작은 무인도들은 보기만 해도 아름다운데..

지나던 하얀구름도.. 무인도에 반했는지 섬을 포근하게 감싼 후 놓아줄 생각을 하지 않는다.

그러다.. 폭풍이라도 몰아치면 거친파도는 섬을 삼킬듯이 덮쳐온다.

다양한 형태의 페로제도의 경치는 불화산과 거친파도가 만든 것이다.

페로제도에는 다른 곳에서는 쉽게 볼 수 없는 아름다운 새가 있다.

등은 검은색이고 배는 흰색, 얼굴은 회색, 부리와 발은 적황색인 ‘퍼(Puffin)’.

바라 보기만 해도 마음이 흐믓해지는 예쁜새인데, 안타깝게도..

