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막달라 마리아 교회

까까마까 2012. 10. 26. 19:43




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Church of Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem


Golden domes of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. Photo:moncay

Mary was present at the Crucifixion and was the first person to see Jesus after the Resurrection.


From a distance what you see of St. Mary Magdalene are its memorable bulb-like cupolas.


But if you enter the closure in which it is found and climb the steps to the church,


you discover that the building is as remarkable as its domes.


Indeed, the palatial exterior features a mind-boggling variety of styles and decorations


that is fascinating to behold. Although it appears to be made of marble,


the facade is actually a stunning, sculpted white sandstone.


Classic, with Roman-style arches, the first story of the magnificent structure has solid, graceful lines.


Above the main entrance, located on the second level, is a gabled roof trimmed with a pseudo-lace design.


Russian Church, Jerusalem

Exterior and icon-filled interior. ©Torie Partridge.

Church of Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem

The place of St. Mary of Magdalene in the Holy Scripture


After her miraculous healing by our Lord, Mary or Maria,


the woman from Magdala, along with other disciples,


had followed Jesus all His earthy life [as the Scripture narrates:


Saint Mary of Magdalene and the tradition of red eggs



Since the ancient times during the Easter holidays, Christians have painted and decorated eggs.


The egg is the symbol of a new life. Serving as a symbol of Easter, the red egg represents the Resurrected Christ,


Who rises from the tomb breaking its seals.


While breaking the eggs, Christians proclaim the Resurrection by saying: “


Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!”


The old Christian tradition attributes the red eggs to St. Mary of Magdalene.


It is said that after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,

The Church of St. Mary of Magdalene, Jerusalem

The church dedicated to St. Mary of Magdalene is part of a Russian monastery

situated on the Mount of Olives and located very close to the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem

near other important places of Christian worship such as the Church of All Nations and Dominos Flevit.

St. Mary of Magdalene (of Magdala) is one of the myrrh-bearing women out of whom Jesus had cast seven demons.

Mary of Magdalene was the first our Risen Lord appeared to, after His resurrection, as we read:

“Now when Jesus was arisen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene,

out of whom he had cast seven devils.

And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept. “
(Mark 16, 9-10).

Mary of Magdalene making use of her relationship with some prominent persons in Jerusalem,

managed to arrive at a banquet held by the emperor Tiberius,

with the intention to publicly proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus.

When the king passed by Mary who was holding a boiled white egg in her hand, seeing him,

she proclaimed: “Christ is Risen!” Hearing this, the king laughed at her saying:

“The chance that Jesus was raised from the grave is as likely as this egg you hold in your hand to turn red.

” And at that very moment, the egg turned red.

The second tradition connected with the red eggs, comes especially from Greece.

Thus, it is said that after the Crucifixion, Mary of Magdalene and Mary the Virgin and Mother of Jesus,

placed a basket of eggs at the foot the Cross.

The eggs were colored in red by the blood drained from the wounds of our crucified Lord.

Taking the basket of red eggs Mary of Magdalene brought it before the emperor Tiberius Caesar.

The Church of St Mary of Magdalene – brief history

The church of St. Mary of Magdalene from Jerusalem was built in 1886

by Tsar Alexander the III-rd of Russia in honor of his mother, Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

The church was built in a traditional Russian Style specific to sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Russia with its roof of golden domes (seven in number) in the form of an “onion”.

In 1888, the Great Duke Sergey Alexandrovich (the brother of Alexander the III-rd)

and his wife Duchess Elizabeth of Hesse-Darmstadt

(a granddaughter of QueenVictoria and the sister of the last Empress of Russia),

attended the consecration of the church as representatives of the king.
The Great Duchess of Russia loved this church very much

and she chose the famous painter Sergey Ivanov (1864-1910) for its decoration.

Sergey has painted many scenes from the life of St. Mary of Magdalene, many lasting until today.

Above the iconostasis,

there is an icon depicting St Mary of Magdalene holding a red egg

while standing before the Roman Emperor Tiberius.

She tells the king about the unjust trial of Jesus Christ. It is known that after the crucifiction of Jesus,

Herod who was then governor of Jerusalem was sent into exile.

The iconostasis, made of white marble and bronze,

is composed of a series of icons painted by renowned Russian artist Vereshchaguin.

To the right of the iconostasis on a carved wooden throne,

stands the miracle working icon of Our Most Holy Lady Hodighitria,

brought from Lebanon. In the sixteenth century,

the icon has miraculously escaped a fire that affected the whole church.

During the cholera epidemic, many wonderful cures were attributed to this icon.

The church preserves the relics of two holy martyrs of Russia:

the Duchess Feodorovna Elizabeth and the nun Varvara Yakovleva,

both thrown into prison during the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and martyred on July 18, 1918.
The bodies of two ascetics Elizabeth and Varvara, were brought to Jerusalem in 1920,

and placed inside the crypt of St Mary of Magdalene Church.

The two women have been canonized as holy martyr in 1981,

when their relics have been translated into the church for veneration.

The church basement also buries Princess Andrea of Greece’ body

– the granddaughter of Duchess Elizabeth and the mother in law of Queen Elizabeth the IInd of England.

Princess Andrea of Greece (Alice of Battenberg)

and the mother of the Duke of Edinburgh visited the church in 1930.


Her last wish was that her body be buried beside her aunt, Duchess Elizabeth

During the Nazi domination, the princess has helped many Jews to hide from persecution, saving their lives.

She died in 1969 in the Buckingham Palace.

Her desire to be buried in the church St Mary of Magdalene was fulfilled only in 1988,

when her body was placed in the underground crypt of the church.

The monastic community of St. Mary of Magdalene was founded in 1936 by Mother Mary (Robinson),

a pious woman from England who after her conversion to Orthodoxy became a nun.

The community includes approximately 30 nuns of different ethnicities:

Russian, American, Australian, Arabic, Serbian and Romanian.



Russian Orthodox ("White Russians"*)
Located on the Mount of Olives
[#7 on the Mount of Olives map]
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Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "

Rabboni!" (which means Teacher). Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father.

Go instead to my brothers and tell them, '

I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

'" Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news:

"I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

JOHN 20:16-18

Built on the slopes of the Mount of Olives by Alexander III of Russia,

the Church of St. Mary Magdalene is probably the most conspicuous house of worship in Jerusalem.

It owes its prominence to the presence of seven gilded,

onion-shaped domes jutting out from a monumental Muscovite-style body that stands proudly against the sky.

While the church was dedicated to Alexander's mother Maria,

it was called the Church of St. Mary Magdalene after her name- saint. one of the best-known women in the New Testament,

it was Mary Magdalene from whose body Jesus exorcised the seven demons in Mark 16:9.

The miraculous icon.
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the dominus flevit church(The Lord wept)-
A steep road descends along the northern border of the huge cemetery of Mt. Olives,

down to the
Basilica of Agony and the Kidron valley. The old city walls are seen in the background.

The church is located half way down; its gate is just behind the person walking down the road.











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