
Greatest(?) Halloween Card ever

까까마까 2012. 11. 7. 18:21








Peacock을 지금도 칠면조로 알고 있는 고집불통이 "꿩 대신 칠면조"를 외치며

좀 늦은감이 있지만 작년에 보내드린 것 보다 조금 엎그래이드 되서 보냅니다.









Greatest(?) Halloween Card ever ..









This is one of the cutest Halloween Cards I have ever received,

so wanted to pass onto my friends here on ActiveRain.

Hope you enjoy this clever little clip.










Click on the photo

Not too scary & hope you enjoy this special little Halloween Card

as much as I did!!












이 '사진'에 클릭하세요 !









Click on the photo to open:
