기타/과학과 생영

Flying Geyser-신비스러운 사막의 자연분수-1

까까마까 2012. 11. 21. 16:33





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그림 다 보신 후에 AMAZING WONDER를 즐기세요.











신비스러운 사막의 자연분수


















미국 네바다주 블랙락 사막의 자연분수











이 아름다운 간헐천은 미국 네바다주 블랙락 사막에 있는 간헐천이다.


간헐천이란 뜨거운 물과 수증기, 기타 가스를 일정한 간격을 두고


주기적으로 분출하는 온천으로 특히 화산지대에서 많이 볼 수 있다.

지하의 깊은 곳에서 상승한 고온의 열수나 수증기가 보통의 지하수와


비교적 얕은 곳에서 혼합될 때 일어나는 현상으로,


천온(泉溫)은 그 지방의 물의 끓는점 보다 높다.

지하의 열이 더 높으면 연속적으로 분출하는 비등천(沸騰泉)이 되고,


열이 식어 수온이 끓는점 이하가 되면 우리가 잘 아는 보통의 온천이 된다





















The geyser was created accidentally in 1964, after a geothermal power company drilled a test well at the site. While the groundwater in the region turned out not to be sufficiently hot to be tapped for geothermal power, it did have a


temperature of more than 200 degrees














This three-metre high geyser in Nevada is located on private land and owned by a millionaire who won’t let anybody else enjoy it. So cautious about the mysterious Fly Geyser is owner Todd Jaksick that he only allows a few researchers and photographers up close every year. You can get as far as the gate though.






and very good he is not letting masses nearby - otherwise all the nearby natural and phenomenally looking surrounding terrain would be trampled down and trashed

























































The Fly Geyser is a little known attraction, even to the people of Nevada, where it was created; yes,

created, accidentally in the 1916 drilling of a well.















It is currently located on a small private ranch, and currently, access to this wonder is not allowed,

even though numerous organizations have tried to make it public domain.





The geyser has a complex mineral composition, including sulfur dioxide, which gives it its amazing colours.














Image of Fly Ranch Geyser located in Nevada, US | Fly Geyser

Fly Geyser






















Michael Flick

































Michael Flick












Stephan W. Oachs












Ken Lund













































Jeremy C. Munns

















































fly geyser