콤퓨터 상식/동식물의 세계

인간 늑대 대장-The Wolf Man 외 '우리 늑대가 되자'

까까마까 2013. 2. 2. 19:23



Celtics의 Wolf Song입니다

예전에 몆 번 올렸던 아주 잼있는 "우리 늑대가 되자"를

"THE WOLF MAN"밑에 일부러 밑에 끼워 넣었습니다.

영어 읽기 귀찮으시면 그림만 보시고 밑으로 쭈욱 내려서

"우리 늑대가 되자"를 꼭 읽어 보시길..

그리구 영어서문은 밑에 대충 요약 했습니다.







야생 동물 가운데 가장 길들이기 어려운 존재가 늑대라고 들었습니다.

우리에 가둬 놓으면 어쩔수 없이 우리 속에 살지만

사람에게 마음으로 복종하지도 않고 그래서 훈련 시킬 수도 없는 존재.


풀어 놓은 늑대 떼 속에서 늑대들의 친구로

늑대 무리의 우두머리 처럼 살아 가는 사람이 있습니다.







The Wolf Man


Jan 29, 2013 |


Wolfspark Werner Freund is a wolf sanctuary spread over 25 acres in western Germany. It is home to 29 wolves -- six distinct packs hailing from Europe, Siberia, Canada, the Arctic, and Mongolia. Researcher Werner Freund, 79, a former German paratrooper, established the sanctuary in 1972 and has raised more than 70 animals there over the last 40 years. He acquired the wolves as cubs from zoos or animal parks and has reared them mostly by hand. Werner has also taken to living closely with his wolves, behaving as an alpha male to earn their acceptance and respect. Reuters photographer Lisi Niesner recently spent some time with Freund and his wolves, capturing the interactions between these old friends. [18 photos]




까이꺼 대충요약하면..


Wolf researcher Werner Freund lies on the ground next to Mongolian wolves as they devour a deer cadaver in an enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig in the German province of Saarland, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner)





Wolf researcher Werner Freund howls while sitting in an enclosure for Arctic wolves at Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




An Arctic wolf howls in Wolfspark Werner Freund, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




Werner Freund is approached by Arctic wolves in an enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




Arctic wolves gather near Freund, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




Freund places meat in his mouth to feed Arctic wolves, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




Freund feeds Arctic wolves with meat from his mouth, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




A wolf pulls meat from the mouth of Werner Freund in Merzig, Germany, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #




Arctic wolves stand in an enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig, Germany, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Wolf researcher Werner Freund, his wife Erika and their cat Max sit in the living room of their home near the wolf sanctuary, in Merzig, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



A dead deer hangs in a feeding prep room at Wolfspark Werner Freund, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Werner Freund stands next to deer carcasses to be used to feed some of his wolves, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Mongolian wolf Heiko licks the mouth of wolf researcher Werner Freund in a sign of acknowledgement, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Freund lies on the ground next to Mongolian wolves as they approach a deer carcass in an enclosure, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Freund bites into a deer leg beside a Mongolian wolf, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Freund lies on the ground beside Mongolian wolves as they devour a deer, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Werner Freund poses for a portrait at his wolf sanctuary in Merzig, Germany, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #



Arctic wolves stand in an enclosure at Wolfspark Werner Freund, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Lisi Niesner) #








우리 늑대가 되자

늑대는 평생 한마리의 암컷만을 사랑한다.






늑대는 자신의 암컷을 위해 목숨까지 바쳐
싸우는 유일한 포유류다.





늑대는 자신의 새끼를 위해 목숨까지 바쳐
싸우는 유일한 포유류다.






늑대는 사냥을 하면 암컷과 새끼에게 먼저
음식을 양보한다.






늑대는 제일 약한 상대가 아닌 제일 강한
상대를 선택해 사냥한다.





늑대는 독립한 후에도 종종 부모를
인사를 한다.





늑대는 인간이 먼저 그들을 괴롭히지 않는
한, 인간을 먼저 공격하지는 않는다.





보시다 시피 늑대를 하찮은 남자와
서는 안될 일이다.





이제부터 남자를 늑대 같다고 말하는것은
칭찬으로 받아 들여야 할것이다.






남자들이 늑대 만큼만 살아간다면 여자는
절대 울 일이 없을 것이다.






결혼을 하지 않은 미혼 여자들은 늑대 같은
남자를 만나기를 고대하여야 할 것이다





남자들이여 늑대가 됩시다.





늑대같은 남자 .. 너무 멋지지 않습니까?




Wolf researcher Werner Freund feeds wolves with meat with his mouth in an enclosure at

 Wolfspark Werner Freund, in Merzig in the German province of Saarland.

For 40 years the ex-paratrooper has lived among wolves. (Source: cntv.cn)





Wolf song (Celtic version)





wolf song