까까마까 2013. 2. 6. 14:20






미국과 카나다와 중남미에서 붐을 일으키고 있는 새로운 스포츠 Flyboard는

Jet ski같은 기구인데 가격은 좀 비싼편으로 $5.000불 정도 한답니다.

새처럼 날 수 있으며 돌고래처럼 수영을 한다는군요.






Flyboard. New water sport













Yes, we know this has nothing to do with cars,

but this new sport is simply too awesome for us to miss the chance of making you aware of it.

Flyboard involves a jet ski-like machine that's used to feed water at high pressure

to four nozzles mounted on your body.

Two of them go on your feet and the other two on your hands.












The high-pressure water coming out of those nozzles help you levitate above the surface of the lake.

Simply watch the clip and you'll get what flyboard is all about.

The stunts they're able to perform with the flyboard are simply amazing.

The clip was made by the "Flyboard Family", which includes Zapata Racing and friends.












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  이 'FLYBOARD'에 클릭하세요 !