콤퓨터 상식/동식물의 세계

회귀영상-좌초된 돌고래 구출-Amazing Dolphin Rescue Mission

까까마까 2013. 5. 19. 12:52







브라질 해변에서 갑자기 일어난 사건입니다.

그림만 보시고 바로밑에 있는 화면에 클릭하시고

확대해서 보세요.아주 회귀한 영상입니다.


일본애들 같았으면 회를 쳤을려나?ㅎ

그림만 보셔도 돌고래의 접근을 보실 수 있습니다.





아주 회귀한 동영상 입니다.







좌초된 30 돌고래 위험 해지

좌초된 돌고래 구출 










Day at Brazilian Beach

Turns Into Amazing Dolphin Rescue Mission


30 Dolphins stranding

incredibly saved! Extremely rare event!




The latest dolphin stranding comes from Brazil where local beachgoers help save them,

dragging the pod back into deeper water. Watch this footage:


Clip of the rescue posted on YouTube has gone viral with more than half a million hits.

The Telegraph reports that

themselves on a beach 100 miles north of Rio de Janeiro.










                    Beached Dolphins in Brazil Rescued by Beachgoers

                                 See the dolphins coming in closer to the shoreline in thdistance.


                     Beached Dolphins in Brazil Rescued by Beachgoers

Dolphins begin beaching themselves.


                     Beached Dolphins in Brazil Rescued by Beachgoers

                               You can hear the scared dolphins in the footage squeaking their discontent.




gerlWatch this...




It happened at a Brazilian beach.








확대해서 보세요!


여기 클릭하세요 !!
