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감동의 몽펠리어-Rhythmic Worlds 2012 Montpellier - Groups 5 Balls Final
2013. 6. 7. 17:13
황홀경에 빠뜨릴 25분.
한 번 시작하면 눈을 땔 수 없는 영상들.
화려한 의상, 굉장한 미인들,
밑의 동영상에 클릭하시고 감상.
Lots of varieties, lovely to watch, Nice trap, (씨밀래)
Rhythmic Worlds 2012 Montpellier
Groups 5 Balls Final
Team of Bulgaria performs in the 5 balls event final
during the 31st Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships
in Montpellier, southern France.
Getty Images 2 hours ago
Russia won the gold medal,
Italy the silver and
Bulgaria the bronze in the 5 balls events.