씨밀래의 다솜방

회귀한 역사적인 인물

까까마까 2013. 6. 21. 16:32



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역사적인 인물




First 20 historical photos










Wedding photo of Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde, 1965

Winston Churchill in bathing suit




New York – Central Park, 1933

Young Joseph Stalin  스타린

Dr Martin Luther King in Chicago playing pool

30th of June 1922. A policeman Bill Norton is checking the distance between knee

 and a bathing suit, which couldn’t be bigger than 15cm (6 inches).

The Clintons, beginning of ’70   크리톤 부부

Albert Einstein’s school certificate  아이슈타인 성적표

Arnold Schwarzenegger and 15 years old Nastassja Kinski, 1976

Building of The Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland, 1954

Marilyn Monroe reading “Ulisses”

Adolf Hitler on sledge   히틀러

President of Chile Salvador Allende with his bodyguards, September 1973

Albert Einstein relaxing, Palm Springs, 1932

Tower Bridge in the fog, London, October 1928

A happy family (teh Manson family)

Kurt Cobain eating pizza

John Paul II assassination, 13th May 1981


Meeting of Elvis Presley and The Beatles, 27th August 1965.

on the picture above in upper left corner you can see Elvis.


On magnification below you can see Lennon leaving Elvis’ house in Bel Air.

Probably it’s the only picture documenting that meeting.






Eminem in Alf tshirt



John Lennon giving the autograph, with his future killer Mark Chapman,       

few hours before death.

Destroying the Berlin Wall

Osama bin Laden with his family visiting Falun in Sweden in 70′.

The Beatles at the beginning of their career.

Elvis Presley in the army.

Meeting of Pope Pius XI with Adolf Hitler.

The new capital of Brasil – Brasilia is being built.

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

One of the first McDonald’s restaurant.

Titanic, 1912.

First Google Team, 1999.

An example of racial segregation.

Evolution of the Coca-Cola bottles.

Years: 1899, 1900, 1915, 1916, 1957, 1986.












The Beatles, 1957. John Lennon – 16 years old,

 George Harrison and Paul McCartney – 15.

ENIAC – computer constructed in years 1943-45 in USA.

Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi.

Albert Einstein among other scientists.

Jesus Christ from Rio Being built.

George W. Bush being told about 9/11.

Ku Klux Klan member being operated in one of the hospitals in Alabama.















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