10년을 계속 곰에게 찾아가는 고양이를 비롯해
북극곰이 썰매개를 매일밤 찾아가 놀다가는 기막힌 이야기들,
여우와 고양이가 생선을 나눠먺는 천국,
믿기지 않을정도의 이야기가 영어로 돼있지만
쉽게 써있으며 그림만 봐도 불편이 없으리라 믿습니다.
몇몇 사진들은 이미 보셨겠지만
스토리가 있어 더욱 흥미롭습니다.
동물들의 믿기지않는 우정
After spending a lot of time alone in the same room of the owner‘s house,
they grew fond of each other.
The crow is almost always on the dog's back,
the dog even barks when people try to touch his pal.
The owner built a
custom harness for more comfortable rides.

A black swan feeding fish at a public park.

After a devastating forest fire,
rescue ran out
of crates for the animals saved from the blazes.
This fawn and baby bobcat were placed together in the
office. Hours later,firemen noticed
they'd taken a liking to one another and cuddled for
the duration they were kept together.

A duck and house cat raised together by a family.
Supposedly the duck hates water and hasn't
figured out yet that it can fly.

A wild life park in China adopted two tiger cubs,
which were soon adopted by a worker's dog
that happened to be in the pen frequently.

The Fernandez family adopted a tiger cub after he lost
his family.
He's been raised with the family
dog since youth and they are inseparable.

A five week old boar plays with Candy,
the jack
Russell terrier in Ehringhausen , Germany .

Humphrey was a house pet that became too large
and was
moved to the Rhino and Lion Nature
Reserve in South Africa ,
where he was safe but
Cameroon Pygmy Mountain Goat climbed
Humphrey's enclosure fence and befriended him.

Sobe the iguana and Johann the cat were both rescued
by a woman in Brooklyn , NY .
Every day when the iguana is let out of her cage,
she seeks out
Johann for play time, along with a rabbit also
kept as a pet.

A baby hippo was swept away by a tsunami and rescued
by a wild life reservation.
A 130 year old tortoise immediately befriended him.

Everyone knows who Koko the gorilla that speaks sign
language is.
For her birthday one year,
she signed to her teacher that she wanted a kitten.
Koko's teacher wasn't surprised, as Koko's two
favorite books were about cats.
They adopted one from
an abandoned litter and Koko showed it
tender care and gentleness.

A lioness abandoned by her pack decides to adopted a
baby impala
after killing its mother. Several times,
she tried to leave the baby in the company of
other impalas,
but ended up having to take the baby back under her wing
after the adult impalas were
frightened away by her

A giraffe and ostrich form an odd friendship at Busch
Garden 's in Florida ..

A baby impala was left behind after the rest of its
group ran away from the cheetahs.
Instead of preying on the impala,
they played gently with it a
bit before simply getting bored and leaving it.

Owls that hatched at a hawk conservatory were adopted
by the park keeper
and became friends with his pet dog.

After a family took in this stray cat, she grew fond
of their elderly dog.
Realizing the dog was blind,
the cat took on the responsibility of leading the dog
to his water,
food, shade, and toys. She would
follow closely under his chin to guide him.

A stray cat wandered into this asiatic bear's
enclosure at the Berlin Zoo.
It's been coming back
frequently for 10 years to visit its friend.

This pair have been seen together for over a year in
Lake Van , Turkey .
They were first spotted by local
fisherman who witnessed them sharing a fish and
playing together.

At the TIGERS institute in South Carolina ,
a chimp
raises tiger cubs after they were separated from
their mother.

A photographer witnessed a wild polar bear coming upon
tethered sled dogs
in the wilderness of
Canada 's Hudson Bay .
Instead of devouring the dogs,
they played and cuddled.
The polar bear returned
every night that week.

Other examples of strange and improbable animal

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