세계의 역사자료,여행지/정치적 뒷 얘기

100 Years in 10 minutes (1911-2011)

까까마까 2012. 5. 31. 17:12





                                                세계사를 일목요연하게 정리를 아주 잘한 동영상.











Need a crash course on the past 100 years in history? This video takes you through key events over the years,


from Roald Amundsen reaching the South Pole in 1911 to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.


All clips are original recordings of events, excluding the sinking of the Titanic, which borrows a clip from the 1997 film,


and the 1952 explosion of the first hydrogen bomb, which shows another H-bomb. The events are set to Hans Zimmer

 music from the "Dark Knight,"


"The Last Samurai," "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and "Inception"


-- a somewhat distracting choice when you're picturing Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page falling into deeper states of sleep


as you watch the increasing suffering of the Korean people in 1951.(퍼온글)







100 Years in 10 minutes (1911-2011)






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