세계의 역사자료,여행지/여행지를 찾아서

Tribe meets white man for the first time

까까마까 2012. 7. 31. 17:24








동영상 2개를 올렸습니다. 첫 번 것이 미흡하면 다 보신 후- 두 번째 것은 설명이 덧붙여 있는 것이니 보세요.

첫 번 것은 14분-두 번째 것은 41분 짜리 인데 첫 번 것이 더 긴장감 있습니다.













Tribe meets white man for the first time














In the full XXI century,

the team of Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux explorer and ethnographer had the privilege of contact in 1998,

after many obstacles,with The Toulambis a tribe that had never seen a white man,

or had been involved with the outside world.
They did not believe in the existence of the white man

and when they saw Jean-Pierre thought it was a living dead.
In its purest and most primitive living so as in prehistoric times,

they do not know the wheel or anything other than the environment around.
Live of hunting in the jungles of Papua, New Guinea.
For the first time in their lives tried the rice, liked only with salt.

Blows to the head means that they like the food.
It is amazing to see their faces in fear,

distrust and much astonishment at the absolutely new and strange things they discovered,

such as metal, mirrors, plastic, film crews, recorded music and hearing their own voices on the recorder.
Spent three days near the camp and the last day allowed to receive medicines.
Before leaving, offered a dance and songs of his tribe,

then were going to get lost in the dense jungle ... your home. Esther by Miri (펌)

















Toulambis 추장에게 클릭하세요 !!



















The Belgium anthropologist Jean Pierre Dutilleux discovered the unknown tribe called,

The Toulambis, in Papua, New Guinea in 1993.

The had never seen a white men before in their lives and according to them, the white men were living dead.

You can clearly see their astonishment and fear when they are offered a helping hand by Jean Pierre.












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