세계의 역사자료,여행지/자연재해와 인식

홍수로 물에 잠긴 베니스

까까마까 2012. 11. 17. 17:24


제일밑에 아주 흥미로운 동영상을 올렸으니 이 글을 다 읽신 후

재생해서 보실 가치있는 동영상입니다.







Venice Under Water




Heavy rains and high tides have brought some of the worst flooding to Venice, Italy in years. The "acqua alta", or high water, is common this time of year and Sunday's level of 149 centimeters (4 ft, 10 in) was below the 160 centimeters (5 ft, 2 in) recorded four years ago in the worst flooding in decades. The bad weather and torrential rainfall will continue through Tuesday, forecasters said. Collected here are images from Venice as it endures this recent acqua alta.

[29 photos]




A man and woman swim in flooded Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square) in Venice, Italy, on November 11, 2012. High tides have flooded Venice, leading Venetians and tourists to don high boots and use wooden walkways to cross Piazza San Marco and other areas under water. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini)


A man and woman swim in flooded Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square) in Venice, Italy, on November 11, 2012. High tides have flooded Venice, leading Venetians and tourists to don high boots and use wooden walkways to cross Piazza San Marco and other areas under water. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini)




People walk on bridges set up in front of Palace of Doges during acqua alta on November 1, 2012 in Venice. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #




A worker pushes a wheelbarrow during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, on October 27, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #




Tourists walk on raised platforms above flood waters in Piazza San Marco during high water in Venice, on October 27, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #




A man sits in his shop as tourists walk in a flooded street in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Marco Sabadin/AFP/Getty Images) #




A view of Piazza San Marco taken during flooding on October 31, 2012 in Venice. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty mages) #




A waiter serves coffees to tourists sat in his bar flooded during an "acqua alta", on October 27, 2012 in Venice. (Andrea Pattaro/AFP/Getty Images) #




A woman walks in high water ner the Rialto Bridge in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #




People sit at a table in a flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #



A person carries luggage through a flooded street during a period of high water in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



A man carries a girl as they leave the flooded Piazza San Marco, on November 1, 2012 in Venice. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #



People stand in the flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #



Shoes and wellies float in a flooded shop in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Marco Sabadin/AFP/Getty Images) #



People have coffee in a flooded shop during an "acqua alta" in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Marco Sabadin/AFP/Getty Images) #



A woman stands on a bench above a flooded street in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



A man rows a kayak in front of Piazza San Marco during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



People walk on raised pathways set up near the flooded Piazza San Marco during "acqua alta" in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #



People walk in flooded Venice streets on November 1, 2012. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #



A tourist crosses flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (AP Photo / Luigi Costantini) #



Tourists walk on raised platforms near Piazza San Marco in Venice, on October 27, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



Gondolas float above a flooded Piazza San Marco at night in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



Piazza San Marco in Venice, flooded at night, on November 1, 2012. (Reuters / Manuel Silvestri) #



A man walks through the flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, on October 31, 2012. (Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images) #



A man walks through a flooded street in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



Tourists sit in floodwater covering Piazza San Marco in Venice, on October 27, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



People wade through high water near the Ponte delle Guglie in Venice, on November 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #



People walk in a flooded street during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (Reuters/Manuel Silvestri) #



Employees push a trolley across a flooded Piazza San Marco as they deliver boxes of food during an "acqua alta" in Venice, on October 15, 2012. (Andrea Pattaro/AFP/Getty Images) #



A man enjoys a swim in a submerged Piazza San Marco in Venice, on November 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini)


Venice under water



The recent "acqua alta" (high water) in Venice, Italy reached a depth of 1.56 meters (5 ft, 1 in.) on Monday -


the deepest flood in 22 years, and the fourth highest flood level in recent history, claimed Venice's Tide Center.


The water began to subside on Tuesday, while residents and tourists made their way through the city,


hip-waders or not - one man even took the opportunity to ride his wakeboard through Piazza San Marco


(until police stepped in). Although this flood was severe enough for the mayor to ask tourists


to temporarily stay home,


Venetian floods are fairly routine, several occurring every year, and residents usually take it all in stride.


(25 photos total)

Tourists take photos of each other in the flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice December 1, 2008.


Large parts of Venice were flooded on Monday as heavy rains and strong winds lashed the lagoon city,


with sea levels at their highest level in 22 years. Ferry and water taxi services in the city were suspended


and Venice's mayor urged people to stay indoors. Tourists and residents struggled


to get across the city over raised walkways.


The Centro Maree, which forecasts water levels, said sea levels in the Adriatic rose 1.56 meters (5.1 ft) -


a level not seen since 1986. (REUTERS/Manuel Silvestri)

Duncan Zuur of the Netherlands rides a wakeboard across flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice,


December 2, 2008.


(REUTERS/Handout/Euro-Newsroom.com/Joerg Mitter) #

A woman waits for a boat during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice. Authorities in the Italian city of Venice


issued a flood alert, warning that the sea was due to rise 1.60 meters above its normal level,


the highest for 30 years.


Nearly all the streets of the city, including the central tourist district were already under water by mid-morning


with the famous Piazza San Marco by 80 centimeters (two feet, seven inches).



Tourists walk across on boards used to create walkways over the high water in the flooded Piazza San Marco


on December 2, 2008 in Venice, Italy. (Franco Debernardi/Getty Images) #

Shopkeepers block the entrance of their shop with a wood panel as water rises in the streets of Venice on


December 1, 2008. (ANDREA PATTARO/AFP PHOTO/AFP/Getty Images) #

A gondola passes through flood waters near Rialto Bridge on December 2, 2008 in Venice, Italy.


(Franco Debernardi/Getty Images) #

A man wades through the Piazza San Marco during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice.



A view of the flooded Piazza San Marco on December 1, 2008 in Venice.



People walk on a flooded quay of the Grand canal of Venice on December 1, 2008.



A view of a flooded dock area of Venice on December 1, 2008.



A man stands on a boat at Piazza San Marco during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice.



A man walks on a flooded quay of Venice on December 1, 2008.



Tourists wade through flood waters in a shopping district of Venice, Italy on December 1, 2008.


(REUTERS/Michele Crosera) #

Women sit on a table while water rises in their shoe shop during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice.



People walk on a flooded oceanside walkway of Venice on December 1, 2008.



A view of a flooded Piazza San Marco, with St. Mark's Basilica in the background, in Venice,


northern Italy, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008. (AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #

Men share a drink on a flooded plaza near the Rialto bridge on December 1, 2008 in Venice.



A postman carries envelopes through flood waters in Venice December 1, 2008. (REUTERS/Manuel Silvestri) #

People wade past gondolas in Venice on December 1, 2008. (ANDREA PATTARO/AFP PHOTO/AFP/Getty Images) #

A view of Piazza San Marco and the Doge's Palace (right) taken during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice, I



People wade through high water near a canal bridge in Venice, Italy, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008.


(AP Photo/Luigi Costantini) #

People walk on Piazza San Marco for the second day under water on December 2, 2008 in Venice. (



A woman walks through floodwaters on Piazza San Marco during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venezia.



Duncan Zuur of the Netherlands rides a wakeboard along a canal next to flooded St. Mark's square in Venice,


Italy on December 2, 2008. (REUTERS/Handout/Euro-Newsroom.com/Joerg Mitter) #

Customers stand in flood waters in a pastry shop in Venice December 1, 2008.


Tourists and residents struggled to get across the city over raised walkways. The Centro Maree,


which forecasts water levels, said sea levels in the Adriatic rose 1.56 meters (5.1 ft). (REUTERS/Michele Crosera)




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