
사람이 공즁나는 동영상

까까마까 2013. 2. 14. 14:01






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Criss Angel Mindfreak


 Building Float









Criss Angel Mindfreak – A&E – 6 Seasons – USA







Criss Angel is a magician who has worked overtime to become the modern face of magic

with his rockstar looks and goth dress sense.


He is a damn fine illusionist who is always the first to point out that he’s not really dealing with

magic and he’s not really a psychic,

unlike many of his contemporaries. Even still, his candour is all part of the act –

‘I’m tricking you and you don’t know how’. Criss Angel is always performing and

that’s what makes the idea of a reality show about

his life interesting but the actual reality show itself dreadfully boring.



Where other magicians might spend five minutes setting up their next magic trick

Criss Angel has given himself an entire episode of television

to set up one magic trick and the result is tiresome and manipulative.














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