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교황의 모국인 아르헨티나의 크리스티나 페르난데스 대통령을 비롯해서
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Australian인 Mirusia Louwerse의 노래로 올립니다.
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교황 프란치스 취임 미사의 모습
Pope Francis Inaugural Mass
Pope Francis officially became the 266th leader of the Roman Catholic Church's
1.2 billion worldwide followers yesterday during his formal installation Mass in St. Peter's Square.
Formally known as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
the 76-year-old Argentinean is the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years
and the first from South America.
During the Mass, which was attended by an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people,
Francis pledged to serve ‘‘the poorest, the weakest, the least important,’’
striking the same tones of humility that have marked the days since his election.
-- Lloyd Young ( 24 photos total)
윗 서문을 대충 의역하면..
"프랜시스 교황이 공식적으로 전 세계의 12억 신자의 로마 가톨릭 교회의 266번째 지도자가 되었는데
어제 성 베드로 광장에서 정식 취임 미사를 드렸습니다.
취임전 정식 호칭 이였던 Jorge Mario Bergoglio추기경은 현제 76세 이고
1.200년 만의 최초의 비 유럽계의 남미의 아르헨티나인 입니다.
대략 15만에서 20만 정도의 사람이 참석한 이 미사에서
그는"가장 가난한 자,가장 약한 자,그리고 가장 비천한 자"를 섬길 것을 선서하면서
그동안 해 왔던 겸손한 톤으로 선출 이후에도 계속 놀라게하고 있습니다".
Pope Francis waves to the crowd as he arrives in the popemobile for his inauguration Mass in St. Peter's Square on March 19 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Mass is being held in front of an expected crowd of up to 200,000 pilgrims and faithful who filled the square to see the former Cardinal of Buenos Aires officially take up his role as pontiff. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
St. Peter's Square prior to the start of the installation Mass of Pope Francis at the Vatican. Pope Francis has urged princes, presidents, sheikhs and thousands of ordinary people gathered for his installation Mass to protect God's creation, the weakest and the poorest of the world. (Matteo Losito/Italian Police ) #
Crowds gather in St. Peter's Square during the inauguration of Pope Francis at the Vatican. Pope Francis urged princes, presidents, sheiks and thousands of ordinary people gathered for his installation Mass on Tuesday to protect the environment, the weakest and the poorest, mapping out a clear focus of his priorities as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. (Oded Balilty/Associated Press) #
Argentinians celebrate at a vigil for Pope Francis outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in Plaza de Mayo on March 18 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Francis was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and is the first Pope to hail from South America. Francis will be officially installed as Pope tomorrow at St. Peter's Square and the event will be broadcast live in Plaza de Mayo for Buenos Aires residents. (Mario Tama/Getty Images) #
Priests line up in St. Peter's Square for the installation Mass at the Vatican. Pope Francis has urged princes, presidents, sheikhs and thousands of ordinary people gathered for his installation Mass to protect God's creation, the weakest and the poorest of the world. (Andrew Medichini/Associated Press) #
An Argentinian flag flies in the crowd in St. Peter's Square before the inauguration Mass of Pope Francis on March 19. World leaders flew in for Pope Francis's inauguration Mass in St. Peter's Square on Tuesday where Latin America's first pontiff received the formal symbols of papal power. (Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty Images) #
Argentinians gather in Plaza de Mayo while watching a live broadcast of the inauguration of Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square on March 19 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Francis was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and is the first Pope to hail from Latin America. Celebrants watched in the early morning hours as the event was broadcast at 6:00 a.m. Buenos Aires time. (Mario Tama/Getty Images) #
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