세계의 역사자료,여행지/세계의 역사와 현재

마지막 폭격-Last bombing of Japan from 747 Jumbo-SuperDuper WWII Historical Record [one of the best]

까까마까 2013. 6. 15. 20:19






아주 통쾌하고 또 통쾌한  자료입니다.

36년 묵은 체증이 드디어 가라앉는 동영상으로 

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영어로 돼 있지만 역사적 기밀 문서라서 금방나온 회귀한 자료입니다.

1945년 제 2차대전의 전투상황을 군 영상실에서 실제로 상황을 찍은 역사물 입니다.

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Last bombing of Japan 



Last bombing of japan I found this interesting, you may too.

This is a really good attachment,


you will miss a good one if you don
t take time to watch it.


Last bombing of Japan --


Awesome Combat footage of the last bombing of Japan B-29 / P-51 Combat footage


but the best you will ever see on this subject.


This is spectacular live footage of the 3,000 round trip mile


air assault
upon the Japanese mainland, with 3 bomber wings and a host of P-51's.


This is the real way to end a war. No matter what war footage you ever saw before,


this is the real deal
and will keep your undivided attention.


The P-51 & B29 footage is remarkable.


The strafing runs by the P-51 pilots were incredible.


There are several “breaks” as the film canisters are changed,


just wait
for the count down (View Full Screen/Sound on) B-29/P-51 Actual WWII






B29 Superfortress

While I was waiting for some parts for the new bike, I visited the New England Air Museum to get some inspiration.

I met up with my friend Jason who works there, and he allowed me to see the inside of their B29.

There are very few of these amazing bombers left. In fact only one, named “Fifi”, is still flying today. A little history on the “Superfortress”:

The concept for this plane was, of course, a better bomber to help the WWII effort.

Requirements were more of everything: range, altitude, bomb-load and armament. Boing was given the task.

 Its name is a result of its predesessor, the b-17 “Flying Fortress”,

first flown in 1938. By 1942, this monster was having the final touches put on it.


b 29 crowd

Here are some basic stats:

Length: 99 feet

Power: 4 Wright radials, each with 18 cylinders. Turbocharged, carburated. Each producing 2,200 horsepower.

Bomb-load: 20,000 pounds

defensive armament: 12 .50 caliber machine guns, some controlled remotely, 1 20mm cannon.

crew: 10 (pilot, copilot, navigator, engineer, bombardier, radio man, 3 gunners and gun commander)

b29 art

Of the 2,766 that were produced, only 22 are preserved in museums. 

Luckily for me the New England Air Museum is one of them. When I first saw it,

I was amazed by the sheer size of it. This is one huge plane!




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