
Magic Show -이거 정말인가?- Kevin James

까까마까 2013. 6. 24. 13:37







케빈 제임스와 그의 조수 안토니오.


인터넷에 여러번 나온 자료이나

매우 선한 이미지의 얼굴과 마술쇼 중간중간의 코믹한 퍼포먼스로

상당히 대중적인 마술을 선보이고 있지요.

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프랑스 출신의 마술사로 아메리칸 메지션 어워드 우승자입니다.

이전부터 유명하긴 했습니다만 아메리칸 갓 탈렌트에서

유쾌하고 신기한 마술쇼를 선보임으로

엄청난 대중의 인기를 얻고 있습니다.





케빈 제임스의 유쾌한 마술쇼


Kevin James Lowery





Kevin James (born April 28, 1962) is an award-winning French-born American magician,

known for creating several unique magical effects,

such as the "Floating Rose" which is performed by David Copperfield.


He has also had longrunning performance runs at venues such as Crazy Horse (Paris) and Caesars Palace.

He has won the "Parlour Magician of the Year" award from the Magic Castle and also appeared on the CBS television special,

"World's Greatest Magicians at the Magic Castle". In 2007,

he was a contestant on the second season of the televised competition

 America's Got Talent, where he proceeded as far as the semi-finals



He was born as Kevin James Lowery in France,

to American parents Darrell and Mary Lou Lowery.

His father was a USAF helicopter pilot stationed in Europe,

though later the family relocated to the small town of Jonesville, Michigan,

where James grew up. He attended Western Michigan University,

studying drama but dropped out in his third year and moved to Los Angeles,

where he supported himself with small "strolling" performances at various restaurants,

working for tips and a meal.








America Got Talent Kevin James



 케빈 제임스의 마술







  이 'KEVIN'에게 클릭하세요 !










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