콤퓨터 상식/동식물의 세계

사자와 함께 사는 가족

까까마까 2014. 1. 1. 10:07





 사자와 함께 사는 가족




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새끼때부터 길들이면서 키워서 그런지 수영장에서 덮치는 사자모습이

남이아닌거 같아 보이는 모습이에요.

사자와 같이 몸집이 큰 맹수를 집에서 키운다는건 아주위험한 생각인데 말이죠.

그래도 나름대로 잘 길이 들어서 그런지 수영도 같이 하고 재밌게 지내는

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맨위의 장면이 수영장에서 덮치는 사자란 제목이 붙은이유인가봐요.

수영장에서 덮치는 사자

새끼때부터 잘 훈련된 사자나 호랑이도 가끔 한번씩 맹수의 성질을 버리지 못하는 관계로

수영장에서 덮치는 사자모습은 위험해보임니다. 사고가 나는 동영상들을 많이들 보셨죠?

점잖은 코끼리도 화가나면 사람을 헤치는데

생고기를 먹이로 먹고 사는 사자가 언제 돌변할지는 예측할수없는 폭탄과도 같답니다.

왜 맹수가 위험한지는 맨아래 동영상 올려놨습니다.















수영장에서 덮치는사자























한 웅큼
































또 한 웅큼...






















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또 냉장고 견학






































  사자와 함께 사는 가족




Zoo owner as brave as his lions

he will live with beasts in cage

for FIVE weeks



Into the lions' den... a zoo owner is so passionate about his charges that

 he plans to live with them for five long weeks,

sleeping in their hay and even eating the meat that is put through the bars.

Alexander Pylyshenko, 40, has spent his life studying lions and believes that

 he will survive the weeks he will live exclusively with them.

He plans to climb into the enclosure with the beasts at his own private zoo

in the yard of his house in the small Ukrainian city of Vasylivka,

some 500km from the capital Kiev.

Lion king: Zoo keeper Alexander Pylyshenko shares a tender moment with an African lioness as he rests his head and affectionately scratches her neck

Lion king: Zoo keeper Alexander Pylyshenko shares a tender moment with an African lioness

as he rests his head and affectionately scratches her neck

Mr Pylyshenko will be fed meat through the cage at the same times

as the lions and he will even sleep on hay on the floor.



During the five weeks in the cage he will bond with Katya, an African lioness,

and her male partner Samson.

Katya is pregnant and is due to give birth to the cubs while he is inside,

which could make her fiercely over-protective.

Best friends: Mr Pylyshenko and the lioness, named Katya, touch their heads together next to her food bowl in the private zoo in Vasylivka, Ukraine

Best friends: Mr Pylyshenko and the lioness, named Katya,

touch their heads together next to her food bowl in the private zoo in Vasylivka, Ukraine

Mr Pylyshenko paints a portrait of African lioness Katya 






A kitten sits in front of Alexander Pylyshenko and African lioness Katya

Feline art: Mr Pylyshenko paints a portrait of African lioness Katya

during a quiet moment in her cage, and right,

a much more approachable cat is seen outside the enclosure

The zoo owner has installed a toilet and a shower inside the cage

so that he can maintain his personal hygiene.

But he will have to avoid shampoo, deodorant, shower gels, beer and cigarettes

 because the animals dislike sharp odours.

Mr Pylyshenko hopes that his weeks in the cage will raise money for charity

and highlight what he sees as the poor treatment across the world of lions in captivity.

'one of the lions is pregnant, I plan to see the cubs being born,

and spend some time with them but then I will move out,' he told the Austrian Times.

In a cat flap: The zookeeper gets accustomed to the wooden floor he will be sleeping on with the animals during the five weeks he will spend in captivity

In a cat flap: The zookeeper gets accustomed to the wooden floor

he will be sleeping on with the animals during the five weeks he will spend in captivity

Prowl: Katya walks straight past Mr Pylyshenko as he leans against the metal cage at his private zoo. The meat-eater is capable of knocking him unconscious with one swipe of her paw

Prowl: Katya walks straight past Mr Pylyshenko as he leans against the metal cage at his private zoo.

The meat-eater is capable of knocking him unconscious with one swipe of her paw

'The living conditions will be absolutely the same for the lions and me.

We will sleep on wooden floorboards and have food given to us through bars.

'There will be four webcams planted in the cage.

They will provide both experimental integrity and broadcast the

''reality show'' on the internet.'

Mr Pylyshenko plans to paint pictures of the animals during his stint in their living quarters

 and the proceeds of the art will be given to charity.





수영장에서 덮치는 사자





케밥을 먹는건가.


수영장에서 덮치는 사자



호랑이와 사자가 다투는중.

수영장에서 덮치는 사자와 호랑이.



수영장에서 덮치는 사자





저 사자의 헤어스타일도 그렇구.ㅋㅋ


 수영장에서 덮치는 사자수영장에서 덮치는 사자




근엄한 숫사자.


한숨 잘테니깐


전화오면 깨워라~~~


수영장에서 덮치는 사자


자는거 안보이냐.

두번만 더 쓰다듬으면 물어버린다.

난 수영장에서 덮치는 사자가 아니란다.






수영장에서 덮치는 사자


사자 가족들.





여긴 수영장에서 덮치는 사자모습인 아닌 자연풀장이군요.ㅎㅎㅎ


수영장에서 덮치는 사자


야 무거워.



수영장에서 덮치는 사자






수영장에서 덮치는 사자








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수영장에서 덮치는 사자





 조련사 덮치는 동영상