세계의 역사자료,여행지/여행지를 찾아서

Sydney Australia-3D Panoramy

까까마까 2013. 1. 21. 16:42







너무나 아름다운 풍광이 펼쳐지는 3-D Panorama를 마우스로 자유자제 움직여 보시고

전체확대로 보시려면 좌상의 Full Screen을 클릭하시면 전체화면이 펼쳐집니다.

너무 빠르다 싶으면 왼쪽 마우스를 클릭하시면 화면이 정지되며, 놓으면 천천히 움직이게 됩니다.

우측하에 있는 조그만 창 들은 그 주변 경치를 보여주는 참으로 다양한 3-D입니다.

전체 화면으로 즐기세요.음악은 OPEN후 2-3분 후에 나옵니다.

제일 밑에 클릭 있습니다. 













sydney australia







Soak up Sydney’s gorgeous harbour, seductive outdoor lifestyle and great natural beauty.

Kayak under the Sydney Harbour Bridge or wave at the Opera House as you ride a ferry across the harbour to Manly.

Learn to surf at Bondi Beach or swim in the calm waters of Coogee.

Lose yourself in the cobblestone cul-de-sacs of The Rocks or in the markets, boutiques,

cafes and pubs of Paddington.

As well as a world-famous harbour and more than 70 sparkling beaches,

Sydney offers fabulous food, festivals and 24-7 fun.





















Beyond its landmark buildings, Sydney Harbour National Park shelters secluded beaches,

picturesque islands and rare pockets of native bushland. Swim, picnic and bushwalk along the spectacular foreshore

or visit harbour islands on a ferry. Go sailing or kayaking, get up close to wildlife and discover ancient rock art and convict-built buildings.

The harbour’s bays, parks and headlands are also natural grandstands for some of Australia’s biggest events,

from New Year’s Eve fireworks to the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.












































3 days in Sydney









The must-see tour for a weekend in Sydney. Get ready to explore a world-class city

that is equal parts cosmopolitan and casual, and for adventure-seekers,

a chance to climb to the top of the Harbour Bridge!




















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