음악을 고르기가 정말 애매해서 북한과 친한 이란의 음악을 골랐습니다.
그 밑에 영문 대충 요약해서 올립니다.
"북한의 이런 언급은 지난달 31일 노동당 중앙위원회 전원회의에서 경제 건설과
핵무력 건설을 동시에 추구하는 병진노선을 채택하고
이달 1일 최고인민회의에서
'자위적 핵보유국의 지위'를 명시한 법령을 제정한 뒤 내놓은 후속조치다."
North Korea Puts Its War Machine on Display
North Korea Puts Its War Machine on Display
Mar 27, 2013 |
Despite massive international pressure, North Korea has been moving ahead with its long-range missile and nuclear ambitions, launching a rocket in December and conducting a nuclear test in February. International sanctions tightened in response, and even China, a longtime ally, stepped up inspections of North Korea-bound freight. Responding to the crackdown, North Korea's government has been issuing new threats of war nearly every day over the past month, cutting ties to South Korea and ordering military units to prepare for attack at any moment. Over the past month, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's official media division, has been issuing a stream of images of military exercises, soldiers in training, and, of course, supreme leader Kim Jong Un inspecting and inspiring the troops. (At least one of these images appears to be digitally manipulated). Gathered here are recent KCNA photographs of North Korea's war machine, as the country wishes the world to see it. The photos were distributed by Reuters, AFP, and AP as a service, and cannot be independently verified or authenticated. [33 photos]
위의 영문 대충 요약하면;
"거대한 국제적인 압력에도 불구하고 북한은 장거리 미사일과 핵 야망을 계속 밀어부치고 있습니다.
작년 12월에는 로켓을 발사하고 2월엔 핵실험을 실시 했습니다..
국제 사회의 제재가 더 강화됬습니다.
그리고 심지어 오랫동안 동맹국 이였던 중국도 북한에 드나드는 화물들의 검사를 한층 더 강화하고 있습니다.
이런 강력한 단속 강화에 대응하는 북한정부는 지난 달동안 거의 매일 전쟁의 새로운 위협을 발표하고 있고,
남한과의 유대관계들을 끊고 군부대에 언제라도 공격할 준비를 하라고 지시해 놓고있습니다.
물론 지난 달동안 북한의 공식적인 미디어 부서인 북한 중앙통신은 훈련중인 군 부대 상황을 최고 지도자인
김정은이 군대들을 사열하고 격려하는 이미지들을 계속 흘리고있습니다.
(적어도 이 이미지들 중의 하나는 디지털 방식으로 조작된 것처럼 보입니다).
여기에 북한은 국제사회가 북한이 보유한 전쟁무기를 보기를 바라는 최근 KCNA 사진들이 있습니다.
이 영상들은 로이터 통신, AFP 통신사, 그리고 AP에 의하여 써비스로 제공된 것인데
별도로 검증 또는 인증 할 수가 없습니다".

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (center) looks at the latest combat and technical equipment, made by unit 1501 of the Korean People's Army, during his visit to the unit, on March 24, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA)

North Korean soldiers with weapons attend military training in an undisclosed location in this picture released by the North's official KCNA news agency in Pyongyang, on March 11, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

The Korean People's Army conducts a military drill in North Korea in this undated photo. (AP Photo/KCNA via KNS) #

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watches soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) taking part in the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, in the eastern sector of the front and the east coastal area, on March 25, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korean members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards attend military training in this March 13, 2013 photo. (Reuters/KCNA) #

This undated picture released on March 12, 2013 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspecting a long-range artillery sub-unit of Korean People's Army Unit 641 at an undisclosed place in North Korea. (KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Kim Jong Un and officers on a hill, watch a flight exercise and a paratroops drill of the Air and Anti-Air Force and Large Combined Unit 630 of the Korean People's Army, in this undated recent picture released by the North's official KCNA news agency in Pyongyang on February 23, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un visits the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum where historic relics, mementos and models are displayed, on March 24, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un checks the samples of overcoats for the children of Mangyongdae Revolutionary School and Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School on March 24, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korea's artillery sub-units, whose mission is to strike Daeyeonpyeong island and Baengnyeong island of South Korea, conduct a live shell firing drill to examine war fighting capabilities in the western sector of the front line in this picture released on March 14, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korean students attend a rally held to show their willingness to enlist in the army, on March 14, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un visits the Wolnae Islet Defence Detachment in North Korea's western sector near the disputed maritime frontier with South Korea. (KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Members of North Korea's military cheer on the shore of an undisclosed location, in this still image taken from video shown by North Korea's state-run television KRT on March 8, 2013. (Reuters/KRT via Reuters TV) #

Members of North Korea's military cheer on the shore of an undisclosed location, in this still image taken from video shown by North Korea's state-run television KRT on March 8, 2013. (Reuters/KRT via Reuters TV) #

North Korean soldiers greet the North's leader Kim Jong Un during his visit to the Jangjae Islet Defence Detachment and Mu Islet Hero Defence Detachment, southwest of Pyongyang, on March 7, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

In this March 11, 2013 photo, Kim Jong Un greets military personnel at a long-range artillery sub-unit of KPA Unit 641 during his visit to front-line military units near the western sea boarder in North Korea near the South's western border island of Baengnyeong. Kim urged front-line troops to be on "maximum alert" for a potential war as a state-run newspaper said Pyongyang had carried out a threat to cancel the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War. (AP Photo/KCNA via KNS) #

Kim Jong Un inspects a long-range artillery sub-unit of Korean People's Army Unit 641 at undisclosed place in North Korea. (KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Kim Jong Un leaves the Wolnae Islet Defence Detachment after inspection in North Korea's western sector. (KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

North Korean soldiers attend military drills in this picture released on March 20, 2013. KCNA said this picture was taken on March 20, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

This picture released on March 26, 2013 and taken on March 25, 2013 shows North Korean female artillery squads moving a rocket launcher during the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597 at an undisclosed location on North Korea's east coast. (KCNA VIA KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) take part in the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, as Kim Jong Un (not pictured) watched, in the eastern sector of the front and the east coastal area on March 25, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) take part in the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, in the eastern sector of the front and the east coastal area on March 25, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un inspects the second battalion under the Korean People's Army Unit 1973, honored with the title of "O Jung Hup-led 7th Regiment", on March 23, 2013, in this picture released on March 24, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

This March 6, 2013 picture shows soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) in military training at an undisclosed place in North Korea. (KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #

Kim Jong Un looks at the latest combat and technical equipment, made by unit 1501 of the Korean People's Army, during his visit to the unit on March 24, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korean soldiers attend military drills in an unknown location in this picture taken March 20, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un uses a pair of binoculars to look towards the South during his visit to the Jangjae Islet Defence Detachment and Mu Islet Hero Defence Detachment, southwest of Pyongyang, on March 7, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korea's artillery sub-units, whose mission is to strike Daeyeonpyeong island and Baengnyeong island of South Korea, conduct a live shell firing drill in this picture released on March 14, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korea's artillery sub-units conduct a live shell firing drill to examine war fighting capabilities in the western sector of the front line in this picture released on March 14, 2013. Kim Jong Un and military officers attended the drill. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un talks with soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) taking part in the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, on March 25, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

Kim Jong Un talks with soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) taking part in the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, on March 25, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

North Korea's artillery sub-units, whose mission is to strike Daeyeonpyeong island and Baengnyeong island of South Korea, conduct a live shell firing drill in this picture released on March 14, 2013. (Reuters/KCNA) #

This picture released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on March 26, 2013 and taken on March 25, 2013 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaking with military officials during his inspection of the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597 at an undisclosed location on North Korea's east coast. (KCNA VIA KNS/AFP/Getty Images) #
Is This North Korean Hovercraft-Landing Photo Faked?