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영문서문 대충의역해서 올립니다.
Afghanistan in the 1950s and 60s
Fractured by internal conflict and foreign intervention for centuries,
Afghanistan made several tentative steps toward modernization in the mid-20th century.
In the 1950s and 1960s, some of the biggest strides were made
toward a more liberal and westernized lifestyle,
while trying to maintain a respect for more conservative factions.
Though officially a neutral nation, Afghanistan was courted and influenced by the U.S.
and Soviet Union during the Cold War, accepting Soviet machinery and weapons,
and U.S. financial aid. This time was a brief, relatively peaceful era,
when modern buildings were constructed in Kabul alongside older traditional mud structures,
when burqas became optional for a time,
and the country appeared to be on a path toward a more open, prosperous society.
Progress was halted in the 1970s, as a series of bloody coups, invasions,
and civil wars began, continuing to this day,
reversing almost all of the steps toward modernization taken in the 50s and 60s.
Keep in mind, when looking at these images,
that the average life expectancy for Afghans born in 1960 was 31,
so the vast majority of those pictured have likely passed on since.
위의 영문서문 대충 의역하면...
"아프가니스탠이 수세기 동안 내부 분쟁과 외국 간섭에 의하여 망가졌으나
20 세기 중반엔 근대화에 나아가려는 몇 몇 잠정적인 단계를 만들어 가고 있었습니다 .
50s 년대와 60s 년대엔 더욱 보수적인 색채를 유지하면서도
자유주의와 서구화 된 생활을 향해 획기적인 진보가 이루어 졌었습니다.
이프가니스탠이 공식적으론 중립 국가이지만 냉전 기간동안
소련의 기계와 무기 그리고 미국의 금융 지원을 받아 한 때 미국과
소비에트 연방에 의하여 환심도 받고 영향도 받아 비교적 평화로운 시대에
burqas를 얼마동안 안 써도되는(씨밀래 주석) 선택 사항이 됬었고
나라는 더 개방되고 풍요로운 사회를 향해 가고있었습니다.
그 당시엔 건물도 오래된 전통적인 진흙 구조가 현대적인 건물들로 카불에 건설되고 .
이렇한 번영이 1970 년대까지 가다 중지가 됬는데,
이때 일련의 피의 쿠테타와 외부의 침략과 내전이 지금껏 계속되고 있습니다.
거의 모든 현대화의 걸음이 50-60년대로 꺼꾸로 가고 있습니다.
아래에 있는 영상들을 보시면서 1960 년대에 태어난 아프가니인의 수명은
31세였다는 것을 참조하시기 바라며
여기있는 거의 모든영상들이 다 그에 준한 것 들입니다."
An Afghan worker checks a Russian-made
truck in the Kabul Janagalak factory in an unspecified date. The
factory situated in the center of the city as the only firm for
making vehicle's chassis was plundered, like other public properties
in the Afghan capital, during the Afghan mujahedin rule from 1992 to
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (black
hat), and Marshal Nikolai Bulganin review an Afghan honor guard
wearing old German uniforms, on their arrival in Kabul, Afghanistan,
on December 15, 1955. At left is the Afghan Prime Minister Sardar
Mohammed Daud Khan, and behind, in cap, the foreign minister, Prince
Tajbeg (Queen's) Palace, the Palace of
Amanullah Khan in Kabul, photographed on October 8, 1949. Amanullah
Khan, King of Afghanistan in the early 20th century, attempted to
modernize his country and make many reforms to eliminate many
age-old customs and habits. His ambitious plans and ideas were based
on what he had seen during a visit to Europe. Click
here to see a present-day view of the
palace, now an abandoned wreck.
The King of Afghanistan, Mohammad Zahir
Shah rides in his limousine on Kabul's central road Idga Wat in this
1968 photo. Zahir Shah, the last of King of Afghanistan lived in
exile in Rome since a 1973 coup, returning to Afghanistan in 2002,
after the removal of the Taliban. He passed away in Kabul in 2007,
at the age of 92.
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