세계의 역사자료,여행지/회귀한 자료

감동이 묻어난, 강한 메시지가 담긴 30장의 영상들

까까마까 2014. 4. 13. 10:07





23시간의 수술로 지친 흉과외과의의 사진,

아우슈비츠 개스실벽의 수많은 손톱자국,

술 취한 아버지와 아들의 영상등

가슴에 와 닿는 영상 등이 보이는

아주 강력한 메시지가 담긴 30개의 사진중에

몆점은 이미 보신 것도 있을 줄 앎니다만

너무 좋은 메시지가 담겨 있어서 그냥 같이 올립니다.

밑의 음악 동영상도 꽤 듣볼만한 것이니

다 보신 후 재생해서 보시길 권합니다.

많은 청중들이 이 음악을 들으며

울음을 머금고 있는 영상도 보입니다.

한글로 안 돼여있어서 좀.. 






감동이 묻어난,

강한 메시지가 담긴 30장의 영상들







30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever




A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are created equal. The pictures we usually feature on Bored Panda can be cute, beautiful, funny, or enchanting, but these pictures are powerful. They are gripping and unforgettable because of the volumes they speak about the human condition – about some of the best and worst moments of contemporary human existence.

We should warn our readers that some of these pictures may upset them, while others may fill them with joy. But that’s precisely because these images reflect some of the best and worst parts of the human experience and world events. Our post of must-see photos from the past described our history while these photos, for the most part, describe our present – our suffering and our triumphs, our perseverance and our failures, our compassion and our hatred, our intelligence and our stupidity.

Some of these photographs may mean more to some of our readers than to others. But hopefully, they will remind us all that the world can always use a little bit more love, tolerance, compassion and understanding.

P.S: we always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please leave a comment if you know the missing authors.



1. Starving boy and missionary


Image credits: Mike Wells


2. Inside an Auschwitz gas chamber


Image credits: kligon5


3. Heart surgeon after 23-hour-long (successful) heart transplant. His assistant is sleeping in the corner.


Image credits: James Stanfield

4. Father and son (1949 vs 2009)


Image credits: Vojage-Vojage



5. Diego Frazão Torquato, 12 year old Brazilian playing the violin at his teacher’s funeral. The teacher had helped him escape poverty and violence through music



Image credits: salvemasnossascriancas.blogspot.com


6. A Russian soldier playing an abandoned piano in Chechnya in 1994


Image credits: drugoi.livejournal.com



7. Young man just found out his brother was killed


Image credits: Nhat V. Meyer


8.Christians protect Muslims during prayer


in the midst of the 2011 uprisings in Cairo, Egypt


Image credits: Nevine Zaki



9. A firefighter gives water to a koala during the devastating

 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia, in 2009




Image credits: abc.net.au




10. Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter

 after serving in Iraq for 7 month


Image credits: Louie Favorite



11. Indian homeless men wait to receive free food distributed outside a mosque ahead of Eid al-Fitr in New Delhi, India


Image credits: Tsering Topgyal / AP


12. Zanjeer the dog saved thousands of lives during Mumbai serial blasts in March 1993 by detecting more than 3,329 kgs of the explosive RDX, 600 detonators, 249 hand grenades and 6406 rounds of live ammunition. He was buried with full honors in 2000


Image credits: STR News / Reuters




13. Man Falling from the World Trade Center on 9/11.

 “The Falling Man.”



Image credits:  Richard Drew /AP


14. Alcoholic father with his son


Image credits: imgur.com



15. Embracing couple in the rubble of a collapsed factory


Image credits: Taslima Akhter


16. Sunset on Mars


Image credits: nasa.gov



17. Five-year-old gypsy boy on New Year’s Eve 2006

 in the gypsy community of St. Jacques, Perpignan, Southern France.

 It is quite common in St. Jacques for little boys to smoke




Image credits: Jesco Denzel


18. Hhaing The Yu, 29, holds his face in his hand as rain falls on the decimated remains of his home near Myanmar’s capital of Yangon (Rangoon). In May 2008, cyclone Nargis struck southern Myanmar, leaving millions homeless and claiming more than 100,000 lives


Image credits: Brian Sokol



19. A dog named “Leao” sits for a second consecutive day

at the grave of her owner,

 who died in the disastrous landslides near Rio de Janiero in 2011.




Image credits: Vanderlei Almeida / Getty Images


20. “Wait For Me Daddy,

 ” by Claude P. Dettloff in New Westminster,

Canada, October 1, 1940




Image credits: Claud Detloff



21. An old WW2 Russian tank veteran finally found the old tank

 in which he passed through the entire war –

 standing in a small Russian town as a monument




Image credits: englishrussia.com

22. Flower power


Image credits: Bernie Boston


23. A woman sits amidst the wreckage caused by a massive earthquake

 and ensuing tsunam, in Natori, northern Japan, in March 2011




Image credits: Asahi Shimbun, Toshiyuki Tsunenari /AP


24. The Graves of a Catholic woman and

 her Protestant husband, Holland, 1888




Image credits: retronaut.com

25. Greg Cook hugs his dog Coco after finding her inside his destroyed home in Alabama following the Tornado in March, 2012


Image credits: Gary Cosby Jr. / AP



26. Demonstration of condom usage at a public market in Jayapura,

 capital of Papua, 2009



Image credits: Adri Tambunan

27. Russian soldiers preparing for the Battle of Kursk, July 1943


Image credits: Shirak Karapetyan-Milshtein

Update: Our reader Leif-Erik pointed out that this photograph was actually created in 2006-2007 for a photo competition. It is based on archive photos from the war in Russia in 1941-1945.


28. During massive floods in Cuttack City, India, in 2011,

 a heroic villager saved numerous stray cats by carrying them

 with a basket balanced on his head



Image credits: Biswaranjan Rout / AP


29. An Afghan man offers tea to soldiers


Image credits: Rafiq Maqbool / AP



30. Some parents, likely now in their 70′s,

 still looking for their missing child.




Image credits: reddit.com

P.S: we always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please leave a comment if you know the missing
