세계의 역사자료,여행지/회귀한 자료

우리들의 자화상 1950년대

까까마까 2014. 4. 30. 15:34





미군이 찍은 사진이 흑백이였는데 칼라로 재생 시킨 것입니다.

DAVID GOH라는 분이 COLOR로 재생시켰는데 괜찮게 나왔네요.






Pictures from

Korea in the early 1950's






실감나는 사진들


Korean street scene, 1952





Korean farmhouse, 1952





Village kids, 1952


Old Scholar, 1952





Korean market scene, 1952


Three kids, 1952






Fertilizing the fields,1952.









Pretty Girls, 1952







Cake maker, 1952







Korean Soldier, 1952









Making cakes, 1952







cleaning the chaff, 1952









Puffed rice cannon, 1952







The cook, 1952











Two kids, 1952












A porter, 1952







Beggar, 1952







Korean Grandmother, 1952







Beggar girl, 1952







Funeral group, 1952







Korean kids,1952





Girl with runny nose,1952





Dog Soup Restaurant, 1952





Fruit seller, 1952





Refugee hut, 1952










Parade, 1952





Schoolgirl army, 1952







G.I. Handy Laundry, 1952

































Cleaning soybeans,1952


Pencil seller,1952


Chili powder sellers,1952




Pancake maker,1952



Diving women, 1952




Family group, 1952


Market day,1952




Washing day,1952


Pachinko, 1952




Refugee shacks,1952



Planting rice,1952




Korean house, 1952

korean house




Headquarters, Republic of Korea Army, Daegu 10/29/1952

Headquarters, Republic of Korea Army, Daegu 10/29/1952

























































































































































































































































































































































Refugee shacks,1952