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세계 최초의 아마존 도보횡단-Ed Stafford on the Discovery Channel
정말 감동과 감격으로 어제 Discovery Channel에서 TV 시리즈로
숨죽이며 보면서 혼자 보기 아까워서 여기에 올립니다.
아주 감동의 디스카버리 티비 시리즈를 소개합니다.
2년 반이 걸려 죽을고비를 수없이 넘고
4072 km를 혼자 횡단한 대단한 인물 입니다.
밑에 올린 자료는 대 장정을 끝낸 후 옷이나 도구도 없이
홀로 무인도 에서의 처절한 60일 생존기를 엮은 일부의 자료를
글과 동영상으로 소개합니다.
그 밑의 동영상은 세계 최초 아마존 횡단 1.2부로 엮은 마지막 까지의 동영상이니
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이해를 돕기 위해 영문서문을 대충 의역했습니다.
Sunday, May 12 2013
After achieving the 'impossible' by walking the Amazon,
the former army captain ups the ante with 60 days on a desert island - and no clothes.
Ed Stafford spent 60 days alone on the remote island of Olorua in the Pacific Ocean.
Stranded and alone:
Amazon explorer Ed Stafford
survives 60 days on his own
on a desert island in the Pacific.
Ed Stafford, a former British rmy captain, went into the Peruvian jungle in April 2008.
Eight hundred and sixty days later he came out on the other side of South America
having become the first person to achieve the ‘impossible’ by walking the length of the Amazon.
It was an endeavour described by Sir Ranulph Fiennes as
‘truly extraordinary’ and ‘in the top league of expeditions past and present.’
Over the course of 6,000 miles Stafford faced starvation,
was bitten by scorpions and mosquitoes,
accused of murder and threatened and imprisoned by machete-wielding tribesmen.
And as if that wasn’t enough,
the man who started the journey by his side quit and then,
as the global recession kicked in, his sponsors withdrew funding.
There was only one thing to do. Keep Calm and Carry on. So he did.
He filmed himself and kept a blog of his experiences.
This became Walking The Amazon,
the best-selling book now translated into eight different languages,
and a TV series on the Discovery Channel.
"Ed Stafford 전 영국 육군 대위가 2008 년 4 월 페루 아마존 정글에 들어갔습니다.
860일이 지나 그는 아마존의 한쪽 끝에서 반대편 대서양쪽 끝 아마존 전장 길이의
'불가능'을 달성하는 최초의 사람이 됐습니다.
Ranulph Fiennes경이 서술했듯이 "그것은 정말로 엄청난 일로
과거와 현재 탐험사의 최고의 리그입니다."라고..
6천마일 장정에 Stafford씨는 기아에 직면해야했고 전갈과 모기에 물리며
칼을 휘두르는 부족민에 의해 살인 혐의와 위협을 받고 투옥되기도 했습니다.
설상가상으로 같이 시작한 동료가 중도 포기하고
글로벌 경기 침체에 쫓겨 자신을 후원 했던자들이 후원금도 회수했습니다.
그래서 할 수있는 단 한 가지는 침착하게 마음을 추스리고 계속하는 길 밖엔 별 도리가 없었습니다.
그래서 자기자신을 촬영하고 자신의 경험을 토대로 블로그에 올려 운영했습니다.
이"Walking The Amazon"이 지금은 8개국의 언어로 번역 된 베스트셀러 책이 됐습니다,
그리고 Discovery Channel에서 TV 시리즈로 나가고 있습니다. "
Explorer Ed Stafford talks being exposed
and marooned on a South Pacific dried island
Former British Army captain Ed Stafford finished headlines in Aug 2010
when he became a initial chairman to travel a full length of a River Amazon.
This epic 4000-mile tour took him two-and-a-half years,
carrying him from a Andean peaks of Peru to a Atlantic seashore of Brazil.
Legendary path-finder Sir Ranulph Fiennes would report a feat as
‘truly extraordinary… in a tip joining of expeditions past and present.’
Staring during oblivion:
Ed Stafford spent 60 says on a remote South Pacific island of Olorua
Two years on, Stafford’s subsequent plea would be rather different: 60 days spent alone on Olorua,
an void island (near Fiji) in a South Pacific.
The idea: to see if he could tarry for twin months
versed with zero – including any clothing – though a video cameras he would use to film himself.
A pair of flip-flops made from bits of wood and twine
Here, he talks to Chris Leadbeater about eating tender lizards for tea,
coping with siege and worrying that he was losing his reason in a center of a planet’s biggest ocean.
Naked and Marooned with Ed Stafford starts on a Discovery Channel tonight
(Thursday 14 March) during 9.00pm (Sky Channel 520 or Virgin Channel 211).
What am we doing here? Ed in full siege mode on Olorua (left),
and in some-more common guise during home in Kent (right)
Sixty days by yourself on a dried island? How did a suspicion come about?
I saved my Amazon speed myself, though Discovery Channel concluded to uncover it.
The programme did well, so we talked about a new project.
we wanted to try something that nobody else had done,
though didn’t wish to be divided for another twin years.
So we had a suspicion of tying a plea to 60 days.
Then it was a box of creation something interesting.
Initially, a suspicion was to frame out any outward help. Then it was stripping out a food.
Then someone said:
‘What if we were forsaken on a dried island for twin months,
with positively nothing, sheer naked? Could we survive?’ we said: ‘I don’t know.’ They said: ‘Perfect. That’s what we’ll do’. Essentially, a devise was to furnish something authentic, positively real, with no storyline or camera crew. That final cause was unequivocally important.
Once we listened a suggestion, did it immediately appeal?
It was a boyhood dream arrange of thing. Would we be means to do it? I’m not a bushcraft guru. I’m an speed leader, an ex-military guy. If we start a fire, we use a lighter. we don’t massage sticks together.
So there were lots of skills that we had to learn. Because we didn’t know all a internal plants, or opposite methods of trapping fish, or sport techniques, it was a genuine challenge. But that was a beauty of it. That’s how it would be for many people.
Nice place, we’ll take it: Ed was advantageous to find a habitable cavern on his initial day on a island
How most credentials did we do in advance? Could we unequivocally ready for this?
I worked on creation glow by friction, with pieces of wood. we schooled how to make a mill mattock – nonetheless there wasn’t any mill on a island that was suitable as a blade, so we had to use clam shells. we schooled how to make a bow-and-arrow. we went to Australia and met adult with a few inland guys.
In a Aboriginal tradition of entrance of age, they go out and spent extended durations of time – 30 days, 40 days – in a bush, on their own. They told me not to blink a outcome of isolation. They pronounced we had to have strategy that would keep me on an even mental keel. They told me to emanate a mill circle, and if we felt overwhelmed, we should go and lay in this round with a faith that, if we was inside it, we was safe. we assembled this on a island. It valid a elementary approach to keep myself calm.
Was it weird carrying to film yourself?
The camera is a double-edged sword in this situation. In a way, it’s your friend. Yet we was also unequivocally wakeful that if a call of panic came over me, it would all be recorded.
But a programme would not be unequivocally engaging if it usually showed a He-Man figure who usually thinks certain thoughts and says certain things. It is some-more fascinating if we demeanour during a demons and a devils. we was never certain either a camera finished things easier or harder.
Things are hotting up: It took Ed twin weeks to be means to make glow regulating normal methods
Did we overtly consider we would make it by a 60 days?
I always suspicion we would. It started well. on a initial day, we found a cavern to nap in, sea snails to eat, and coconuts to drink. we could have lived like that for a subsequent 60 days and got by. But a suspicion was not usually to survive, though to evolve, turn master of a island, build a sustainable, courteous life. we would have looked a muppet if, after 60 days, we was still eating tender food. So there was a vigour that we put on myself, since we was disturbed that we would not be means to develop to a border we should.
What was a toughest part?
I was always somewhat dehydrated, since a H2O source was not abounding adequate until it rained heavily – when we was means to collect some-more water. we was always somewhat malnourished. And there were times when we questioned what we was doing. we would start thinking: ‘I have a pleasing fiancée in London, and I’m sitting on an island on a distant side of a world, starving.’ Isolation alters your perspective.
Great jump forward: ‘The suspicion was not usually to survive, though to evolve, turn a master of a island’
What was your fiancée’s greeting to we doing this?
She thinks I’m a bit crazy. But we usually met since she review my book about walking a Amazon. She knows what I’m like. And in comparison to a Amazon expedition, this was a comparatively brief project. It had to be, really. When we was in South America, we was single. we could means to be some-more distant reckless, and spend some-more time divided from home.
Had we been to a South Pacific before?
I had been to mainland Fiji, though usually on holiday.
So we had to adjust. Lighting a glow took twin weeks, since we couldn’t brand a right wood. we knew roughly what to demeanour for. But when we wish some prohibited food and you’re starving – and you’re whittling these pieces of tree into a right figure with a clam shell, and after a day and a half’s work we realize that it won’t work since it’s a wrong wood… that arrange of thing is unequivocally difficult.
Woodsman: Ed managed to finish his 60 days on a island, though struggled with a clarity of isolation
In a initial partial we eat sea snails and geckos. Which tasted better?
They were both flattering disgusting. The best thing we ate was a coconut crab. They are bigger than a lobster, unusual things. And since they eat coconuts, they have this greasy coconut flavour.
There was also a flock of untamed goats that a Fijian house had left on a island about 60 years earlier. we managed to kill one. That was wonderful. A large goat – 45, 50 kilos. we had to skin it, cut it up, try to heal it. we cut it into skinny strips, cooking it in seawater so that it would catch salt to assistance heal it, afterwards hung it above a glow to dry. The beef lasted 8 days – 8 days of gorging myself. It would have lasted longer, though it was so tasty.
How did a island review to walking a Amazon?
Different beasts. Walking a Amazon was, of course, harder. It took twin and a half years. There were life-threatening scenarios, either it was being hold during arrow-point by inland tribes, or hold during gunpoint by drugs traffickers in Peru. Oh, and a snakes.
That said, there were moments on a island when we was astounded how distant it pushed me. There was a embankment around a island. So a waves pennyless on a reef, and afterwards again on a beach, with this twin violation sound, 24 hours a day. It became like white noise. After a while, my mind found it unfit to routine it, and incited it into music. we had songs – Land Of Hope And Glory, bizarrely – that never left my head. You can’t ready for something like that. we could combine and cut a song out – though usually for twin or 3 seconds.
Was it proxy madness? we knew there was no song there. we couldn’t stop it.
Up to his neck in it: Ed became a initial male to travel a length of a River Amazon in 2010
Did we have a holiday during a finish of this?
I went to a Maldives with my fiancée a few weeks later. That’s a weird place to go on holiday when you’ve been stranded on a dried island for twin months. Curiously similar, though apparently with much, most nicer food. It was positively a good place to go and relax.
Where is your favourite place you’ve ever been?
Probably Patagonia. we spent over a year monitoring condors in a foothills of a Andes, and holding scientists on two-week ice-cap traverses in Chile. That’s an extraordinary partial of a world. Argentinians have a good clarity of humour, and it’s a good multitude to mix into. we didn’t feel too most of an outsider, even as an ex-British Army captain. Lovely people.
Homeward bound: Ed takes one final peek during Olorua after completing his two-month presence plea
Do we have another large devise in mind?
I’m going to take some time off first. But we have a integrate of ideas in a pot…
Naked and Marooned with Ed Stafford starts on a Discovery Channel tonight (Thursday 14 March) during 9.00pm (Sky Channel 520 or Virgin Channel 211).
Sunday, May 12 2013
The Reality Robinson Crusoe:
Explorer Ed Stafford on his 60 days lost
on a desert isle

여기서 부터 아마죤 횡단 1&2
여기서 부터 아마죤 횡단 1&2
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