FOCUS란 잡지에 실린 글과 사진을 올립니다.
"다시 세월호 참사로 눈을 돌려 보자"는
조갑제씨의 글을 먼저 잠간 올립니다.
들리는 움악은 Aoife Ni Fhearraigh의 노래로
바다의 슬픔◑ star of the sea란 곡 입니다.
Phil Coulter:The Star Of The Sea .
세월호 참사
South Korea Ferry Sinks, Hundreds Missing
조갑제 씨의 글을 먼저 잠간 소개후 본론으로.
거짓과 無知의 암흑을 깨부숴야 한다
다시 세월호 참사로 눈을 돌려 보자.
정작 세상이 무너질 듯한 절망속의 유족들에게 빛이 되어줄
救援(구원)의 말과 글은 거짓 선동이 아니라 올곧은 정직함에서 비롯된다.
정직한 말과 글만이 그들에게 오늘의 悲劇(비극)을 딛고 일어설 힘이 된다.
며칠 전 기고된 김동길(金東吉) 선생의
‘Life must go on though good men die (선한 자가 죽더라도 삶은 계속되어야 한다)’는
글처럼 우리의 삶을 정직하게 바라보도록 안내해 주어야 한다.
정직해야만 진정한 용기가 생겨난다.
비극을 딛고 일어서기 위해서는 용기가 필요하기 때문이다.
정직함으로 이번 사건을 들여다보면
우리가 사는 인생은 불확실성의 바다를 항해하는 것과
같음을 인정하지 않을 수 없을 것이다.
미국에 살든 프랑스에 살든 아프리카 밀림이나 남태평양의 피지 섬에 살든
이런 비극이 올 수 있음을 인정해야 한다.
이런 사고에서는 神을 믿든 안 믿든 무관하고,
착하게 살든 악하게 살든 상관없으며, 부자이든 가난뱅이든 무
차별적으로 누구는 살고 누구는 죽을 수 있음도 인정해야 한다.
우리의 진정한 敵은 지금도 불확실성의 커튼 뒤에서 우리의 삶을 노리고 있으며,
우리의 선조들이 그러했듯 우리도 불확실성의 그늘을 조금이라도 줄여가도록
현실을 딛고 일어서서 노력하자는 다짐이어야 한다.
그것만이 인간으로서의 존엄성을 지킬 수 있는 구원의 방편이기 때문이다.
그러자면, 체면이나 허풍같은 허위의식은 벗어던지고 냉철한 현실을 직시해야 한다.
그러기 위해서 우리는 거짓과 無知의 암흑을 깨부수지 않으면 안 된다.
언론이 처음 이 세상에 나오면서 시작된 ‘啓蒙主義(게몽주의)’는
아직도 유효하며 앞으로도 그러할 것이다.
더구나 대한민국은 언론 스스로가 가장 먼저 계몽되어야 할 것 같다.
South Korea Ferry Sinks
Hundreds Missing
Yesterday, off the coast of South Korea, a large passenger ferry named the Sewol sank in calm seas, while carrying more than 450 passengers, mostly high school students on an overnight trip to a tourist island. Officials currently confirm only 164 have been rescued, another four listed as killed, leaving approximately 300 passengers still missing. By nightfall, the Sewol had turned upside down, sinking nearly completely below the surface -- only a small part of its bow still visible. Reuters quoted one survivor as saying "The on-board announcement told people to stay put... people who stayed are trapped." As anxious relatives await word, officials have resumed rescue operations after a short pause during the darkest hours of the night. [23 photos]

Passengers from a ferry sinking off South Korea's southern coast are rescued by South Korean Coast guard in the water off the southern coast near Jindo, south of Seoul, on April 16, 2014. Nearly 300 people were still missing Wednesday morning, several hours after the ferry carrying more than 450 passengers, most of them high school students, sank in cold waters off South Korea's southern coast. (AP Photo/Yonhap) 

A passenger ferry sinks off the coast of Jindo Island on April 16, 2014 in Jindo-gun, South Korea. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

Rescue work by members of the Republic of Korea Coast Guard continues around the ferry sinking off the coast of Jindo Island on April 16, 2014 in Jindo-gun, South Korea. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

Ferry passengers are rescued by members of the Republic of Korea Coast Guard on April 16, 2014 in Jindo-gun, South Korea. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

South Korean coast guard officers rescue passengers from a sinking ferry off the southern coast of South Korea on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/South Korea Coast Guard via Yonhap) #

Rescue helicopters fly over the sinking South Korean passenger ferry on April 16, 2014, off South Korea's southern coast. (AP Photo/Yonhap) #

Passengers are rescued by the Republic of Korea Coast Guard from a ferry sinking off the coast of Jindo Island on April 16, 2014. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

Passengers are rescued by the Republic of Korea Coast Guard from a ferry sinking off the coast of Jindo Island on April 16, 2014. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

Passengers from a ferry sinking off South Korea's southern coast are rescued by a South Korean Coast Guard helicopter on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Yonhap) #

Rescue work by members of the Republic of Korea Coast Guard continues around the site of ferry sinking accident off the coast of Jindo Island on April 16, 2014. (Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

Passengers from a ferry sinking off South Korea's southern coast are rescued by South Korean Coast guard in the water off the southern coast near Jindo, on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Yonhap) #

South Korean rescue team boats and fishing boats try to rescue passengers of the ferry Sewol, sinking off South Korea's southern coast on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/South Korea Coast Guard via Yonhap) #

The ferry Sewol sinks in the water off the southern coast near Jindo on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/South Korea Coast Guard via Yonhap) #

The mother of a passenger who was on the sinking "Sewol" reacts as she finds her son at a gym where rescued passengers gathered in Jindo on April 16, 2014. (Reuters/Kim Hong-Ji) #

Rescued ferry passengers are escorted upon their arrival at a port in Jindo, south of Seoul, South Korea, on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Yonhap, Park Chul-heung) #

Relatives of passengers of a sunken ship wrapped in blankets look toward the sea at Jindo port, South Korea, on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) #

South Korean rescue team boats and fishing boats try to rescue passengers of a ferry sinking off South Korea's southern coast on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/South Korean Navy via Yonhap) #

The mother of a passenger who was on a sinking ferry reacts as she finds her son's name in the survivors list at a gym where rescued passengers gathered in Jindo on April 16, 2014. (Reuters/Kim Hong-Ji) #

A relative waits for their missing loved one at a port in Jindo, South Korea, on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) #

South Korean coast guard officers and rescue team members try to rescue passengers from the ferry Sewol on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Yonhap, Hyung Min-woo) #

Rescue work by members of the Republic of Korea Coast Guard continues around the site of ferry sinking accident on April 16, 2014. (The Republic of Korea Coast Guard via Getty Images) #

South Korean ferry Sewol, capsized in the sea off Jindo, as flares are released for a night search, on April 16, 2014. (Reuters/Kim Hong-Ji) #

Relatives hug each other as they wait for missing passengers at a port in Jindo, South Korea, on April 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) #