스포츠 방/이종격투기와 운동


까까마까 2012. 8. 30. 16:37











                                                                                             동영상 2개를 올렸습니다.


        첫 번째 것은 화질이 좀 흐리나 Tyson의 First round Knockouts highlight이고

            두 번째 것이 진짜 봐야할 동영상이니 즐감하세요















              Mike Tyson first round knockouts (great fighter) Highlights











The media always portrayed him as an animal, yet he was the most disciplined boxer I know,

his moves were lightning his strike fatal, but he was not a machine he was far away from that,

and the documentary where he talks about his mentor dying (the white old man that was like a father to him),

I did cry like a little girl... He got so much heart...










OPEN되면 확대해서 보세요 !

Mike Tyson first round knockouts (great fighter) Highlights















이 TYSON에게 클릭하세요 !

Mike Tyson first round knockouts (great fighter) Highlights-5.48 min














LEWIS에게 클릭하세요 !

06-08 Mike Tyson - Lennox Lewis-43 min.